Destructive jealousy: guaranteed ways to kill a relationship

Jealousy is often perceived as a sign of love, but in fact it is a destructive feeling that can destroy even the strongest relationships. Psychologists say that true love is expressed through positive feelings such as respect, care and trust, while jealousy is generated by fear of loss, doubts about one's own attractiveness and the partner's devotion.
Causes of jealousy Jealousy often begins in childhood. People who felt deprived of attention and love in childhood may experience fear of losing a loved one and expect betrayal as adults. This feeling has no basis in reality and is often associated with personal complexes.
Healthy and Unhealthy Jealousy In a healthy relationship, partners discuss their suspicions and try to dispel them through dialogue and mutual understanding. Unhealthy jealousy, on the contrary, is not based on real reasons and can lead to dependent and destructive relationships.
How to deal with jealousy It is important not to compare yourself to others and discuss your feelings with your partner. If the problem cannot be resolved through open dialogue, it is recommended to seek professional help.
Dangerous games with jealousy1. Provocative clothing : Inappropriate clothing can make your partner jealous and displeased.
2. Going to work like it’s a holiday : Neglecting the appearance of the house and taking excessive care of yourself outside the home can arouse suspicion in your partner.
3. Mystery : Secrecy and unpredictability in behavior can raise suspicions of infidelity.
4. Flirting : Even harmless flirting can lead to serious disagreements and jealousy.
5. Comparisons with others : Comparing your partner with other people can make him feel insufficient and jealous.
Conclusion Jealousy is not a sign of love, but rather an indicator of unhealthy relationships and personal complexes. It is important to be able to distinguish between healthy care and destructive jealousy, and also to seek help in a timely manner in order to maintain harmony in the relationship.
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