For two years, I sent money home, my brother received it and gave it to my parents, but after a recent call from my father, I learned the terrible truth.

What does a person deserve to be able to deceive friends, colleagues, parents? A man with no principles or moral boundaries? Whoa. falsehood Can change the life of anyone who is not lucky enough to be with him? Condemnation and total boycott are probably the weakest measures that can be taken.

But it's more complicated than that. When your relative turns out to be a real scoundrel who has absolutely no conscience, you still subconsciously want to find the reason for all this. To understand, perhaps he is not so bad, and it is some circumstances forced him to take this or that step. But, unfortunately, in most cases, only profit and selfishness guide people in such situations. And the sooner we take it for granted, the better it will be for everyone.

For twelve years I have lived abroad. She left home in search of a better job. It was easier for me than for many people: I knew the languages well. English was almost perfect, and Spanish had to be practiced. This allowed me to find a relatively good job. Then, little by little, I started saving money. More and more to understand the internal politics of a new country for me: how people think here, what really live. That's very interesting!

At the same time, I had a man. Soon we got married. This was my first marriage, both for him and for me. Not that I wasn't attracted to the guys at home, but I just couldn't resist that temperament. In turn, my husband still admires my ability to look at things soberly and not let emotions take over. And it’s ironic, because right now, my head is just filled with unnecessary questions that I would have solved long ago if I hadn’t touched the situation of my relatives and loved ones. But in this case, it's much more complicated.

My parents are real ploughmen, as they say, the salt of the earth. Like my brother and I, they were born in the same village. Mom and Dad valued nothing more than honest work. It was they who instilled in me a love of hard work and honesty towards other people. But since I was a child, I was not satisfied with a life in which I constantly saw the same faces, the same places and only physical work from morning to evening. That is why I tried to study, so that later I could enter the city university for a normal specialty.

Boys, friends, club – all this was just a waste of time for me. But after school I was able to move to the city with my mind and even managed to get a scholarship, which in my village could boast very few. As time passed, I could not find a normal job. Teaching for me was boring, but tutoring gave a good profit. So it is not surprising that at the end of the day, I decided to distance myself from my small homeland even more, leaving behind the cordon. A completely new environment. In the end, staying there forever.

I have not lost a good relationship with my mom and dad. We continued to communicate over the Internet, thanks to my brother for teaching them how to use the tablet I sent. My brother, by the way, also moved to a town near our village and got married there. He became a realtor and started a family. Unfortunately, I didn't go to his wedding, but I sent him a gift and didn't want to lose our family bond. In general, he also did not mind, introduced me to my wife and in general, we always communicated normally.

At some point, I realized that my financial circumstances had already been resolved, so it would not be difficult for me to help my parents, even if it was not in person. I revised my expenses and profits, calculated how much money would not hit my family budget, and decided to send this money to my mom and dad. They are at an age when an extra penny will not hurt. So after talking to my brother, I started sending him money on a card every month. He changed them and gave them to our parents. They were already spending it on their own.

For the village it is, most often, a matter of repair, heating and the like. The house sometimes becomes just a real financial hole. If someone says it's cheaper to live in a private home, know it's a brazen lie!

So it's been about two years. Dad told me how they had done interior repairs in several rooms: nothing special, just makeup. But how he and his mother were surprised when they saw the usual catalog of building materials and how in our time you can equip yourself with housing. For them, ordinary people, it was a real discovery. At that time I even cried a little: how, it turns out, a person needs little for happiness.

The brother also had news: after several attempts, he and his wife finally had a daughter. It was a wonderful event and I, of course, immediately sent him some money as a gift for my newly born niece. Life went on and everything went on.

But one day, my mother fell down the stairs and broke her leg. It was no big deal, but we needed care, and a consultation with a doctor cost a penny: my mother was taken by ambulance to the city, because only the name remained of the hospital in our village. But the departure was night, so they put half the residency on their ears. When Dad told me all this, I thought I'd get gray. But he reassured me that everything was fine now. But then he looked me in the eye and asked if I could help them with all that money. My brother is ashamed to ask for help.

And then I asked if they were still repairing the house, that the money I had sent was gone. And that's when I found out that my brother only brought money for the first 2 months. Then he began to bring only materials and some products, at his own discretion, and the last six months he did not bring them either. The reason was that I started having some financial difficulties, but I don’t really want to talk about them. What a brazen lie!

Naturally, my next call was to my brother. I couldn’t believe what my father told me. I thought he was wrong. Age, inattention, anything. But the brother in a calm tone said, yes. What about it? He had a kid, he needed money. And he thought it was necessary to guide them in this direction. He'll pay for his mom's trip to the hospital. But just so I know, he doesn't feel guilty about himself. Now let me hire an individual who will change the money I sent to my mom and dad. If I ever want to. And hung up.

Moral? I'm still in shock myself. Apparently, the brother asked his parents for money, and they refused him. So he decided to spend it as he wanted. I don't know, but I just couldn't think of anything better. Yes, I already talked on social networks with a former classmate. Money for mom and dad now she will deal with, for a small fee. But... Was it worth it for brother and sister to lose each other?


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