My husband wants me to cook on weekdays, but after work I do not have the strength and desire to do it.
When the family both work, the question of what to eat becomes everyday and not at all fun. After all, you always want to please your loved ones and dear people with delicious healthy dishes. And the strength after work is not so much, and other household chores no one canceled.
It is good when husband and wife share household responsibilities. Cooking, cleaning, ironing are not just women’s concerns. When the husband takes an active part in the establishment of life, this is the basis of a strong relationship in which there is a place for mutual understanding. But sometimes it is at the domestic level that disputes arise. When both are tired at work and what to eat fantasy is not enough. How to distribute household responsibilities so that everyone is satisfied?
Than to dine editorial "Site" I have prepared some tips for you that will help you to improve your life in the family. And the most important thing about a strong relationship is the ability to talk to each other. Express your point of view and hear the opinion of another person. Sit down with your other half and talk about what they like to do around the house. Maybe your husband likes to cook and you like to nail shelves. Why change that in yourself? Everyone should do what they like. Who says cooking is a woman’s business and a hammer is a man’s tool?
After you have discussed all your favorite activities, make a to-do list for the week. Be sure to note who will do it. You can make a list for two weeks, where to alternate the implementation of these cases. Write down who will clean and who will hang the clothes. What business will you do together? When people have a clear plan of action, it is easier to have their time and life. If your husband works shifts, or you both work shifts, then your list will be compiled according to your shift schedule. This is also important to remember and remember.
Now back to dinner. After all, this issue is the most difficult in terms of cooking. The easiest way is to make a menu a week in advance and know what to eat, for example, on Wednesday. Of course, you also make a menu together, taking into account the gastronomic preferences of the partner. Also, according to this menu, you can buy the necessary products. For example, set aside one day off on which you go shopping together. This method will strengthen your relationship, and will significantly save the family budget.
Preparations of semi-finished products A can still be taken as a tradition of preparing semi-finished products together. As with shopping, allocate a day off when you prepare half-prepared meals together and put everything in the freezer or refrigerator. And when you need to, you just get out and warm up. This will save a lot of time in the evenings on weekdays. And cooking will not tire you so much with your partner in the evening. By the way, such manipulations also save the family budget and save money that you could spend on the restaurant. This is especially true for young couples who are saving up money for repairs or travel.
And the most important advice we can give you. Always listen to your partner. Each of us has bad days, bad health or a rush of inspiration, when instead of cooking you want to hang a new chandelier. It is not necessary because of such trifles to make a scandal and find out who owes whom how much and what you will have dinner today. After a day, you will not remember why you argued, and every quarrel separates people from each other. So if one doesn't want to cook dinner tonight, let the other one do it. Or in case of an emergency, arrange a sloth day and order pizza and wine.
Do you distribute household chores in your family? We look forward to your comments and advice on a happy relationship.

It is good when husband and wife share household responsibilities. Cooking, cleaning, ironing are not just women’s concerns. When the husband takes an active part in the establishment of life, this is the basis of a strong relationship in which there is a place for mutual understanding. But sometimes it is at the domestic level that disputes arise. When both are tired at work and what to eat fantasy is not enough. How to distribute household responsibilities so that everyone is satisfied?

Than to dine editorial "Site" I have prepared some tips for you that will help you to improve your life in the family. And the most important thing about a strong relationship is the ability to talk to each other. Express your point of view and hear the opinion of another person. Sit down with your other half and talk about what they like to do around the house. Maybe your husband likes to cook and you like to nail shelves. Why change that in yourself? Everyone should do what they like. Who says cooking is a woman’s business and a hammer is a man’s tool?

After you have discussed all your favorite activities, make a to-do list for the week. Be sure to note who will do it. You can make a list for two weeks, where to alternate the implementation of these cases. Write down who will clean and who will hang the clothes. What business will you do together? When people have a clear plan of action, it is easier to have their time and life. If your husband works shifts, or you both work shifts, then your list will be compiled according to your shift schedule. This is also important to remember and remember.

Now back to dinner. After all, this issue is the most difficult in terms of cooking. The easiest way is to make a menu a week in advance and know what to eat, for example, on Wednesday. Of course, you also make a menu together, taking into account the gastronomic preferences of the partner. Also, according to this menu, you can buy the necessary products. For example, set aside one day off on which you go shopping together. This method will strengthen your relationship, and will significantly save the family budget.

Preparations of semi-finished products A can still be taken as a tradition of preparing semi-finished products together. As with shopping, allocate a day off when you prepare half-prepared meals together and put everything in the freezer or refrigerator. And when you need to, you just get out and warm up. This will save a lot of time in the evenings on weekdays. And cooking will not tire you so much with your partner in the evening. By the way, such manipulations also save the family budget and save money that you could spend on the restaurant. This is especially true for young couples who are saving up money for repairs or travel.

And the most important advice we can give you. Always listen to your partner. Each of us has bad days, bad health or a rush of inspiration, when instead of cooking you want to hang a new chandelier. It is not necessary because of such trifles to make a scandal and find out who owes whom how much and what you will have dinner today. After a day, you will not remember why you argued, and every quarrel separates people from each other. So if one doesn't want to cook dinner tonight, let the other one do it. Or in case of an emergency, arrange a sloth day and order pizza and wine.
Do you distribute household chores in your family? We look forward to your comments and advice on a happy relationship.
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