We assume that tipping is appropriate only in restaurants, but this is not at all true.
We all love to travel and visit new places. New impressions, new acquaintances and meetings, new cuisine. All these are the companions of our holiday. Everywhere we go, we face service. In the store, we will be served by a seller, in a restaurant or cafe - a waiter, a courier will deliver our parcel or order. In general, the service sector surrounds us from all sides, and we have long been accustomed to this.
In Western Europe, it has long been customary to thank the staff with a tip. This is a small cash reward for a job well done or a service provided. The very concept of “tipping” appeared in England in the distant XVI century. It was then that the British began the tradition of drinking tea in large groups of friends. And if one of the friends stayed overnight in the owner’s house, in the morning they began to leave money to the servants for its maintenance. So this tradition gradually moved beyond homes and became ubiquitous in the service sector.
In our country, this tradition is just emerging, so people do not always know when and how much to leave a tip. And whether it's even worth doing. Therefore, the editorial board "Site" I have practical advice on how to leave a tip.
As already mentioned, tipping is a monetary thank you for the services provided. Tipping is voluntary and no one will force you to leave it. On the contrary, they believe that if the institution hints or directly indicates the need to leave a tip, it creates a bad reputation for the institution. I don’t want to go back there anymore.
There is an unspoken rule that tips should be about 10% of the order amount. That is, a tip is not a rounding of the amount, but a certain amount of money. If the amount of the order or service performed is very large, the tip is reduced to 5%.
A generous tip is not a good idea either. But since there is no fixed amount of tip, you can leave the amount you want. Tips are usually left not only in restaurants or cafes.
In the civilized world tips apply to maids in hotels and administrators at the reception. Couriers, postmen, wardrobes, hairdressers and makeup artists. In short, everyone who provides any service. It is a sign of gratitude to the person who served you and left you a good impression.
But service does not always leave pleasant memories. Alas, we are still very far from facing rudeness in the service sector. Do you have to leave a tip when you are being bullied? Of course not.
In this case, you need to explain to the service representative himself what he did wrong. Or invite the administrator and explain to him what his staff was wrong. This should be done without scandal and in a respectful manner. Even if you're being bullied, don't go down to the same level.
By the way, in our country it is very popular to make small gifts instead of tipping your hairdresser or makeup artist. As a rule, these gifts are dedicated to some event or holiday. But they also act as a sign of attention and gratitude to a person. In addition, such a gift can already be placed under a convenient amount of money for you. If your budget does not yet include tips or gifts, you can always leave a review about the institution or service on the Internet. This will raise the rating of the institution and increase attendance.

In Western Europe, it has long been customary to thank the staff with a tip. This is a small cash reward for a job well done or a service provided. The very concept of “tipping” appeared in England in the distant XVI century. It was then that the British began the tradition of drinking tea in large groups of friends. And if one of the friends stayed overnight in the owner’s house, in the morning they began to leave money to the servants for its maintenance. So this tradition gradually moved beyond homes and became ubiquitous in the service sector.

In our country, this tradition is just emerging, so people do not always know when and how much to leave a tip. And whether it's even worth doing. Therefore, the editorial board "Site" I have practical advice on how to leave a tip.
As already mentioned, tipping is a monetary thank you for the services provided. Tipping is voluntary and no one will force you to leave it. On the contrary, they believe that if the institution hints or directly indicates the need to leave a tip, it creates a bad reputation for the institution. I don’t want to go back there anymore.
There is an unspoken rule that tips should be about 10% of the order amount. That is, a tip is not a rounding of the amount, but a certain amount of money. If the amount of the order or service performed is very large, the tip is reduced to 5%.

A generous tip is not a good idea either. But since there is no fixed amount of tip, you can leave the amount you want. Tips are usually left not only in restaurants or cafes.
In the civilized world tips apply to maids in hotels and administrators at the reception. Couriers, postmen, wardrobes, hairdressers and makeup artists. In short, everyone who provides any service. It is a sign of gratitude to the person who served you and left you a good impression.

But service does not always leave pleasant memories. Alas, we are still very far from facing rudeness in the service sector. Do you have to leave a tip when you are being bullied? Of course not.

In this case, you need to explain to the service representative himself what he did wrong. Or invite the administrator and explain to him what his staff was wrong. This should be done without scandal and in a respectful manner. Even if you're being bullied, don't go down to the same level.

By the way, in our country it is very popular to make small gifts instead of tipping your hairdresser or makeup artist. As a rule, these gifts are dedicated to some event or holiday. But they also act as a sign of attention and gratitude to a person. In addition, such a gift can already be placed under a convenient amount of money for you. If your budget does not yet include tips or gifts, you can always leave a review about the institution or service on the Internet. This will raise the rating of the institution and increase attendance.
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