10 examples of unacceptable behavior in cafes and restaurants
The Internet is full of horror stories about the food and drinks. That food is a harmful, the waiters hamovatye - and this is the softest charges. We are so fond of the phrase "the customer is always right", that just that - immediately declare their rights to complain and run. < Website offers a look at the problem through the eyes of restaurateurs and waiters. Here are a dozen of the worst, according to them, the types of visitors to cafes and restaurants.
1. Seekers of a better place h2> We Daniil Kharms has an anecdote about the French, who gave a sofa, four chairs and sofas, and he could not decide which is more convenient. In the end, after sitting all by turns, he sat in his chair and said, "That's where the good!", But then added: "And on the sofa is probably the best».
2. Parents with unruly kids h2> «I hate it when your kids whine and scream, but you do not pay attention. Believe me, surrounding hate you even more ».
3. Tipsy ladies' man h2> «Nobody forbids to flirt, but do not dare to stare lustfully, do the dirty hints and even more to touch waitresses. You do not do so with saleswomen in shops or with the cashier at the bank! »
4. Imaginary allergic h2> «Fed middle class now see, eat only the" right food ", but on the advice of nutritionists, and on the advice of various fashion bloggers invent God knows what. And most importantly, they're lying waiters, giving their whim for the real allergies - to gluten, milk, all in a row ».
5. "Telephone maniacs» h2> «Even educated people act like complete idiots when they in the hands of the mobile phone. One day I was watching a guy who popped 10 minutes on the phone, ignoring the girl and waving away the waiter approaches to take the order. By the time he finished, he had hated all visitors within a radius of two tables ».
6. Blackmailers h2> According to restaurateurs, it is the worst of all customers. A typical scenario: they order the most expensive dishes and wines, get service on the highest level, and then require discounts or free service threatened to write bad on the Internet, for example, on the website TripAdvisor.
7. Dividers account h2> «Classics of the genre: a table of 10 people who are divided by the principle of" every man for himself ", a half-hour recall, but who drank glasses of wine, and paying the 10 th bank cards. For God's sake, do not behave like sleaze and do not hold your waiter, who has other tables! Agree among themselves, let one person, maximum two, to pay for everything, and then you calculate. Or share equally and pay by cash ».
8. Skuperdyai h2> In Russia, the tip has not yet turned into a duty, as in many other countries, but in the capital and big cities, it has become a common practice (of course, except in cases where the service was in a terrible truth). Sites recommended for tourists to leave in Russian cafes and restaurants 10-15% of the amount of the check, and in restaurants of higher categories - no more than 10%.
9. "Thieves» h2> «Even if you're familiar with the owner of the establishment, do not report this to the waiter - is, as we say in Russia," cheap show-off. " If you want some special treatment because of dating? So, please contact directly to the owner, and before arriving at the restaurant ».
10. Barker h2> «Imagine that you click your fingers beckon. Scandals, even though you are not to blame. Imagine, running back and forth to 7 hours per day, you listen to some drunken idiot who threatened to turn your life into hell. All this is not even about the cafe customers, and about what it takes to be a good person ».

1. Seekers of a better place h2> We Daniil Kharms has an anecdote about the French, who gave a sofa, four chairs and sofas, and he could not decide which is more convenient. In the end, after sitting all by turns, he sat in his chair and said, "That's where the good!", But then added: "And on the sofa is probably the best».
Many customers are torn between the cafe tables for a long time and just can not decide, or outraged, why not put them wherever they want.
In fact:
"They're to the table, and they show voooon to those places in the other end of the hall, and there sit only the third time. What the heck? This is not Burger King. We try to please you, but it must also comply with the order of tables and seating arrangement uniform ».
"If you put in a given table, then the waiter who serves it, is not as loaded as the others. The idea is that correct seating guarantees you the best service ».
2. Parents with unruly kids h2> «I hate it when your kids whine and scream, but you do not pay attention. Believe me, surrounding hate you even more ».
"Sometimes we get a family company of children seated at a separate table and wait for the waitress all this time will be their nanny, and in the end also will report whose child that ordered».
"I hate it when parents allow children to raise on the table pigsty, eat with your hands and make a mess at his feet, so that then need cleaning with a vacuum cleaner. Keep track of your moody offspring! »
3. Tipsy ladies' man h2> «Nobody forbids to flirt, but do not dare to stare lustfully, do the dirty hints and even more to touch waitresses. You do not do so with saleswomen in shops or with the cashier at the bank! »
"Do you like it if intoxicated client filled up to your office and begin to stick in the middle of work? Just do not say that this is not the same thing: this is absolutely the same thing ».
"Most men behave casually with waitresses that much younger than them, so let them know that they are simply" dirty old man ».
4. Imaginary allergic h2> «Fed middle class now see, eat only the" right food ", but on the advice of nutritionists, and on the advice of various fashion bloggers invent God knows what. And most importantly, they're lying waiters, giving their whim for the real allergies - to gluten, milk, all in a row ».
"If you do not like some specific products, it is normal - honestly tell us, and we will recommend you the dishes without any, as far as possible, do not add them to your morning. But when you're lying, that you have an allergy, then food is because of you in the ears completely in vain ».
However, if a person has a real allergy, identifying doctors, then the kitchen will do their best to avoid being provoked. Just remember to warn prior to ordering!
"We are very serious about this allergy. So if you suddenly remembered about it after being started eating, we fall into a panic ».
5. "Telephone maniacs» h2> «Even educated people act like complete idiots when they in the hands of the mobile phone. One day I was watching a guy who popped 10 minutes on the phone, ignoring the girl and waving away the waiter approaches to take the order. By the time he finished, he had hated all visitors within a radius of two tables ».
"As a hostess and waitress, I hate it when you go to the cafe, while continuing to talk on the phone and tried to explain to me facial expressions and gestures. I'm not deaf and deshifrovschitsa secret signs! »
"It is very annoying when customers put cell phones on the table, because we can do something they accidentally spill».
6. Blackmailers h2> According to restaurateurs, it is the worst of all customers. A typical scenario: they order the most expensive dishes and wines, get service on the highest level, and then require discounts or free service threatened to write bad on the Internet, for example, on the website TripAdvisor.
Having been refused, they heartily vilify good restaurants - if you take a check, then such false negative reviews would be quite a few, say the owners of establishments. Therefore, they can not stand such sites "popular opinion", which can neither verify nor disprove.
7. Dividers account h2> «Classics of the genre: a table of 10 people who are divided by the principle of" every man for himself ", a half-hour recall, but who drank glasses of wine, and paying the 10 th bank cards. For God's sake, do not behave like sleaze and do not hold your waiter, who has other tables! Agree among themselves, let one person, maximum two, to pay for everything, and then you calculate. Or share equally and pay by cash ».
8. Skuperdyai h2> In Russia, the tip has not yet turned into a duty, as in many other countries, but in the capital and big cities, it has become a common practice (of course, except in cases where the service was in a terrible truth). Sites recommended for tourists to leave in Russian cafes and restaurants 10-15% of the amount of the check, and in restaurants of higher categories - no more than 10%.
For comparison: in any decent British Café offers from 12, 5% tip, but in America you would like a lamb to pay 20%.
"Especially enraged visitors that the whole evening was nice and kind to the waiters, and then left the infamous tip. It looks obscenely petty ».
And customers are bullied staff when receiving a discount on the bill, tipped with a smaller amount, or do not leave anything.
"Even if your account has been reduced because of some stupid coupons, please leave a decent tip. We did run the same amount of work, despite your discount ».
9. "Thieves» h2> «Even if you're familiar with the owner of the establishment, do not report this to the waiter - is, as we say in Russia," cheap show-off. " If you want some special treatment because of dating? So, please contact directly to the owner, and before arriving at the restaurant ».
10. Barker h2> «Imagine that you click your fingers beckon. Scandals, even though you are not to blame. Imagine, running back and forth to 7 hours per day, you listen to some drunken idiot who threatened to turn your life into hell. All this is not even about the cafe customers, and about what it takes to be a good person ».
And finally, a couple of useful tips:
- Do not stack plates and cutlery, trying to help the waiters - is, on the contrary, it complicates the task.
"It is better to leave the dishes as they are. But pass it to the waiter if that is difficult to reach - that's very helpful ».
- Do not put garbage in the cups and glasses.
"I had to get out of the straw wrapper cups, napkins, candy wrappers, even coins. It infuriates! Do you think that we shake each cup into the trash? No, it all falls into the sink! »
via www.anews.com/ru/post/34333720/
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