Stella looked into the future and told who will be the next president of Ukraine

What awaits Ukraine in the near future and will Volodymyr Zelensky go to Ukraine? second term? About this and much more told Stella, a famous Ukrainian tarologist. Share the latest news in the article!

First of all, Stella gave her forecast for the near future throughout Ukraine. We are talking about the last weeks of July 2023. The north of the country will be uneasy. The maps show that serious shelling is not to be feared. But that doesn't mean you can relax.

In the south, the situation is somewhat more complicated, as part of the territory is temporarily occupied by the enemy. And that's where Stella predicted it would be hot. Not the best Tarot cards have fallen, which indicate that there will be a lot of shelling. In addition, the AFU will strike at Russian ammunition depots.

Western regions of Ukraine should keep their ears open. Russian troops will want to test these territories for strength. For example, find out how good the defense and air defense system. Therefore, missile strikes and UAV attacks may become more frequent. Get ready for this!

In the east there are serious battles, so calm there can only dream. However, Stella says there is a possibility that things will change dramatically by the end of July. Exactly how and what to expect, time will tell. Most likely, we are talking about the liberation of part of the occupied territories.

Illusions of fear will be created in the central part of Ukraine. There will be rocket attacks, but at the same time these regions are very well protected. If it happens, there will be no civilian casualties. However, this does not mean that airborne alarms can be ignored.

While there is a full-scale war of Russia against Ukraine, no one even thinks about elections. Nevertheless, talk about this already exists. For example, it is interesting to know whether Vladimir Zelensky will go for a second presidential term.

People are also asking if a woman will ever become president of Ukraine. As for the second, Stella confidently declares that the presidency will take a man. He'll have a law degree. But it will be the female energies that dominate. I wonder who that might be.

As for Vladimir Zelensky, the tarologist believes that he has already fulfilled his mission. So running for a second term makes no sense. One way or another, another person will appear in the political arena for whom people will vote. And that's not Zelensky.

It is still debated whether his decision was to run for president. After all, many people said that he was only a puppet in the hands of high-ranking personalities. But Stella says Vladimir Alexandrovich made the decision on his own.

Interestingly, the idea of becoming president came to him after the filming of the series “Servant of the People”. That’s how much he got into that role. Could he have thought it would turn out like this?

The expert does not exclude that the choice of the people could also be influenced by the same series. However, the tarologist believes that the desire of people to leave the old state system played a much greater role in this issue. I wanted something new and unbiased. For many, Volodymyr Zelensky has become a breath of fresh air. Who knows, maybe someday people will miss him as president.

I wonder what you think about that? Boldly share your impressions in the comments!


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