The season of socks with sandals in full swing, where did this fashion come from and is it possible to walk like this?

The new old fashion trend. barefoot. Periodically, this trend returns to the fashion world and becomes very popular. After a while it passes again, and in 10 years it comes back again. And it seems that this fashion appeared only in the XX century. But, as the researchers found, this combination did not disdain even kings and pharaohs. Today we offer it together with the editorial board. "Site" Go back in time and learn the history of this unusual trend.

Barefoots with socks Barefoots with socks This is not the first year of ridicule. Someone considers such a combination ridiculous and ridiculous, and someone, on the contrary, chooses socks for the color of the overall outfit. And this combination did not pass without attention for both women and men. And if men in such clothes make us smile, then women look stylish. In addition, this view has already become the hallmark of our people abroad at the resort.

But the history of this trend goes far beyond the post-Soviet space. A few years ago, archaeologists carried out excavations in the area of North Yorkshire and found there the burial of Roman legionaries. And as you know, the Romans loved sandals and walked only in them.

In fourteen tombs were found fibers on the legs, which indicated the similarity of socks. Scientists have suggested that such a robe served the Roman legionnaires insulation in the cold season. Similar clothes were also worn by the ancient Greeks and Egyptians. And in the tomb of Tutankhamun, scientists found a chest with eighty pairs of shoes, and three pairs of linen socks were preserved.

Wear or not? But if in the ancient world socks in sandals were a winter version of shoes, today this is not necessary. Why do people still wear sandals and sandals? And this style of clothing moved to the summer season.

It turns out that men sweat less legs and do not slide in sandals. And they're just comfortable walking like that. In addition, the feet do not get dust and small stones that cause discomfort when walking and rub the legs. Men love comfort and convenience. It is easier to wash socks every day than to wash sandals.

Fashion changes a lot. And socks are no longer the subject of a wardrobe that lurks under pants and in shoes. Today it is a separate independent element that can become a highlight of your image.

Properly selected fabric structure, color and size can make your image memorable and stylish. Today there are a lot of models with all kinds of prints, inscriptions and decor. Socks are decorated with beads, rhinestones, lace and much more.

At the same time, properly selected socks and sandals can be a great addition to an elegant outfit. But white simple socks and sports sandals are still a failed combination in the image.

Of course, fashion is cyclical, and style is individual. Everyone chooses a wardrobe that fits the lifestyle, mood and temperament. So wearing socks with sandals or not is up to you.

Peels shared in the comments, how do you feel about this trend in fashion and are you ready for such experiments?


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