Find out whether to open the windows in the heat, the answer may surprise you
How good it is to go to the sandy seaside in the summer and forget about everything in the world. But most people, when the heat comes, stay in a stuffy city. They continue to work even in the hottest part of the day. Naturally, when the scorching sun outside it seems that there is simply not enough air. And the first wish is to open all the windows and let in the long-awaited coolness. And in this case, opinions differ. Some say that everything should be open, others, on the contrary, close all the gaps. So can we open the windows?
Editorial "Site" I decided to look into it.
Is it possible to open windows in the heat Ventilation room is an integral part. This should be done daily, in all weather conditions. Lack of oxygen in the room contributes to various diseases from viral to anemia. Especially when there are several people in the same room and oxygen absorption increases.
However, it is best to open windows for airing early in the morning before the sun has warmed the air. Or in the evening after sunset, when the heat begins to subside. If you open the windows during the day, instead of cooling, you will launch hot air into the room. And this hot air will not give you the pleasure of coolness, but on the contrary will aggravate the situation. Then the room is filled with stuffy air and you want to leave it quickly.
In order to keep cool in the room or office on a hot hot hot day, take it as a rule. After 11 p.m. all windows can be closed. The sun has already warmed the air enough and then only stuffiness will go into the room. And even better to hang the windows with dense blinds or curtains. Then a shadow forms in the room and until the evening it will be cool. Such simple actions will help you to keep cool in the room and feel good for yourself.
The windows can be opened after sunset. Now in the market of window fixtures there are many different sun protection. It can be aluminum foil, and Roman curtains made of dense fabric, and blinds. In general, you can always choose a means of protection from the sun to your taste and budget. Especially such protections are important for windows that face the sunny side and the sun bakes all day.
To protect yourself from sunstroke or overheating, remember and apply simple rules of protection.
Be sure to follow all these recommendations and teach them to your children. And then surviving a hot summer will not be so difficult. And rest on the sea will be a real pleasure.

Editorial "Site" I decided to look into it.
Is it possible to open windows in the heat Ventilation room is an integral part. This should be done daily, in all weather conditions. Lack of oxygen in the room contributes to various diseases from viral to anemia. Especially when there are several people in the same room and oxygen absorption increases.

However, it is best to open windows for airing early in the morning before the sun has warmed the air. Or in the evening after sunset, when the heat begins to subside. If you open the windows during the day, instead of cooling, you will launch hot air into the room. And this hot air will not give you the pleasure of coolness, but on the contrary will aggravate the situation. Then the room is filled with stuffy air and you want to leave it quickly.

In order to keep cool in the room or office on a hot hot hot day, take it as a rule. After 11 p.m. all windows can be closed. The sun has already warmed the air enough and then only stuffiness will go into the room. And even better to hang the windows with dense blinds or curtains. Then a shadow forms in the room and until the evening it will be cool. Such simple actions will help you to keep cool in the room and feel good for yourself.

The windows can be opened after sunset. Now in the market of window fixtures there are many different sun protection. It can be aluminum foil, and Roman curtains made of dense fabric, and blinds. In general, you can always choose a means of protection from the sun to your taste and budget. Especially such protections are important for windows that face the sunny side and the sun bakes all day.

To protect yourself from sunstroke or overheating, remember and apply simple rules of protection.
- Try to limit your time in the open sun.
- Drink plenty of water. Ordinary clean water, not tea or juice. At least 2 liters a day.
- Don't go outside without a hat. This will save you from overheating and burns.
- In summer, give preference to natural light fabrics on clothes. Linen works best. It is perfectly ventilated and it is not hot.
- Never leave children or animals in a closed car. Even if you're out for five minutes.
- Going out at home, be sure to apply sunscreen to open areas of the skin. Also buy UV protection for your hair.
- It is better to give up alcohol during the heat. Alcohol dehydrates the body.
- Reduce physical stress on your body. Heat and physical activity are very detrimental to the blood vessels and heart.
- Follow the diet. Eat more vegetables and fruits. Give up sweet and spicy dishes. Food should be at room temperature and not cold.
Be sure to follow all these recommendations and teach them to your children. And then surviving a hot summer will not be so difficult. And rest on the sea will be a real pleasure.
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