A pediatrician with many years of experience told whether the baby formula is as useful as they say.

Infant formulas for newborns This is especially true for new mothers who do not have milk. This can happen for many reasons. And in such cases, the mixture becomes a real salvation. However, scientists say that the benefits of such nutrition for a young child has not been proven. Why so, we understand further in the article.

For a newborn baby in terms of nutrition, there is nothing better than breast milk. It has the nutritional value that gives the baby everything necessary for normal development. Thanks to colostrum, infant immunity is formed. Also, the mother’s milk does not cause allergies and helps the child’s body to protect against its appearance.

This is only a small part of the benefits of breastfeeding. Unfortunately, not every mother can afford such a luxury. There are many reasons why the milk did not appear or disappeared in the process. One of the most common is stress, from which in the realities of the modern world to protect yourself is almost impossible.

It is at such times that infant formulas come to the rescue. Manufacturers claim that this product is a complete substitute for breast milk. In advertising milk formulas, you can often see that they allegedly contribute to the development of the brain, nervous system, strengthen immunity and so on.

Only such loud statements are not always true. Scientists from Imperial College London are seriously concerned about such marketing and urge companies to censor advertising of food products for infants. There are reasons for that.

Scientists conducted a study, the results of which are published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ). They evaluated more than 750 formulas from 15 countries with different income levels. In other words, products of different price segments were tested.

The study involved mixtures from Canada, Germany, Australia, Italy, Japan, India and Norway. Nigerian, Pakistani, Russian, Spanish, English and American products were also tested. They were produced in the period from 2020 to 2022.

Scientists Ka Yang Chung and Lucia Petru said that the information about the benefits of infant formula is often exaggerated. The evidence is weak and biased. If we talk about clinical trials of baby food, only 56% of the stated promises from advertising are confirmed in practice. Everything else is based on animal tests, which cannot be trusted in the context of the human body.

A British Medical Journal study shows that nearly 90% of clinical trials were custom-made. That is, they were paid by the manufacturers themselves, which are financed by the milk formula industry or simply connected with it.

Of course, this causes concern in society. After all, sometimes mothers who have milk specifically refuse breastfeeding and prefer mixtures. Such food may seem simpler and more practical.

The results of the studies gave their results. One thing is clear: we need to review the regulatory framework for breast milk substitutes. This should be done to protect children and avoid harm to their health.

Editorial advice If you are going to feed the baby baby formula, study this issue properly. Choose only those manufacturers whose products are sure of all hundred. My colleague Veronika Zhmurko spoke in detail about all the pitfalls associated with the transition to the mixture. I highly recommend reading the article at the link.

For example, when a child is on baby food of only a certain brand, there is a dependence on the usual diet. At one point, the product can disappear from the shelves of stores. Then you will have to transfer the baby to another food. And this is always a risk, because the baby may have an allergic reaction.

Peels If you have lost breast milk, do not give up on yourself. You can take steps to get him back. There are folk remedies. For example, you can drink lactogenic drinks. The simplest recipe: 1 glass of hot milk and a spoonful of cumin. You need to brew and insist for about two hours. Do not forget about foods with high protein content. lean on meat and fish.

But first of all you need to consult a doctor. Remember that your health directly depends on the condition of your baby!

What do you think about infant formula?


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