When is the day of John the Theologian and what miracles to expect from this important holiday

St. John the Theologian A disciple of Jesus Christ and his faithful apostle. It was to him that Jesus entrusted the care of the Most Holy Mother of God after his death. The Great Martyr is the author of the Revelation of John the Theologian. In his message he preached love to the Lord and to his neighbors and brought the word of God to people. Many people accepted Christianity and believed in Christ.

The existence of the personality of John the Theologian is confirmed by historical facts and manuscripts belonging to this author. But at the same time, the legend tells of his supernatural abilities to remain unharmed after the cruel tortures and tortures that he, as a preacher of Christ, had to endure. It is told in legends about the incredible miracles that happened to this man, and about his gift to raise the dead.

Instagram/@azbukhanov Convinced that John would never renounce the Christian faith, the authorities exiled the great martyr to a distant island, where he created his greatest manuscript known as the Revelations of John the Theologian. In his prophecy, the saint spoke of the coming end of the world. Subsequently, John became the only one of the faithful apostles of Jesus Christ, who managed to live more than a hundred years and died of old age.

St. John the Theologian is the intercessor of writers, journalists, editors and people related to print publishing houses. He patronizes students, travelers and artists. The Day of Remembrance of the Great Martyr is May 21.

Instagram / @antikvarbuk Legend says that it was on this day that St. John the Theologian ordered his followers to bury him in the ground. The words of the teacher are the law for them, and the students did not dare to disobey, although they were very worried about the elder. A couple of days later they came to dig the grave, but it was empty.

Since then, on this day, weightless dust rises over the tomb of the saint, which, according to legend, is able to heal a person. Christians who make a pilgrimage to his grave consider it their duty to carry with them a small pinch of sacred ashes.

On the feast of Ivan (John) the Theologian, parishioners visit the church, confess to the priest and repent before the Lord of their sins, and then commune with church wine. Believers who do not have the opportunity to go to church pray for forgiveness of sins at home before the icon.

In the old days, it was customary to bake cakes and treat relatives and guests with them. Part of the festive pastries were necessarily distributed to the poor, thus demonstrating love for their neighbor. The remaining muffin was crumbled and fed to the birds.


John the Theologian was forbidden. You cannot refuse to beg for help or charity. It is not recommended to work hard, clean the house, sew or wash. It is sinful to speak unculturedly and make scandals. It is forbidden to guess and perform magical rituals. It is a sin to indulge in human vices.

There are signs and beliefs on the feast of John the Theologian. A person born on May 21 will always be lucky. Unmarried girls exhibited baked cakes in the living room on the windowsill, because they believed that it was possible to attract grooms to the house. The people believed that wheat sown on John the Theologian would give a good harvest. Rain on this day predicts that in autumn there will be a bountiful harvest of mushrooms.

On the holiday, it is advised to go to church and dedicate this day to family and relatives. You can meet with friends and congratulate the names of Ivan, Jan, Adrian and Arseny. But to arrange noisy parties and abuse alcohol is not recommended.


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