Traditions on the Day of Head John the Forerunner

On September 11, the church remembers all those who have ever suffered for the truth, because it was for her that John the Baptist suffered. He was a prophet who announced the coming of Jesus Christ. He is called the Forerunner because he prepared people to receive the Son of God on earth. He is also called the Baptist, because he baptized Jesus in the Jordan River.

He became one of the most revered saints. On this day, all believers celebrate the holiday. Heads of John the BaptistThe day of the prophet’s martyrdom. And today's edition. "Site" He will tell you how to spend this holiday, and also tell you about its origins.

It all began with the fact that John was put in prison for the fact that he condemned the act of the ruler of Galilee, who abandoned his wife for Herodias, the wife of his brother Philip. While he was in prison, the people celebrated the birthday of King Herod. During the festive feast, the daughter of Herodias, Salome, danced so beautifully that the ruler promised her to fulfill any desire.

Salome consulted her mother and wished to be brought the head of John the Baptist. Herod did not dare to break his promise, although he did not want to destroy the prophet, so he sent the executioner to prison. Soon the head was brought to a feast, where it was placed on a dish, and then presented to Solome.

The martyrdom of John the Forerunner was the reason for the establishment of the holiday. Now this holiday is very revered by believers around the world, and also, like all holidays, it has acquired many traditions, rituals and prohibitions, which we will understand now.

Bans on Head Day
  1. On this day it is customary to observe the strictest fast. Not only meat and milk, but also fish. Apparently, this is due to the fact that the Baptist himself always held fast, and he was executed during the feast. But our ancestors always had dinners on this day. However, the table was modest, the dishes were only lean. Everything red was forbidden on the table, because it resembled blood, and it was also impossible to bake round pies, because they were associated with the head.

  2. The hostess always prepared for the holiday in advance, because on the day of the holiday you can not do anything.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to pick up a knife and other sharp objects on this day. Even bread is broken with your hands.

  4. In no case can anything be cooked, it was believed that it is fraught with sluggish thoughts. Sewing and knitting were also banned on that day.
  5. This holiday should be held quietly and calmly, you can not dance and sing, not to take on the sin of Salome.

  6. You can't start new things on that day.
  7. Haircuts have long been forbidden on this holiday.
  8. Boys born on holiday are called Ivans. It is believed that this way you can protect the child from the negative energy of the day of the execution of John.

These prohibitions were observed by our ancestors, although the church considers them superstitions. Believe it or not, it's up to you. Just like any other holiday, don’t forget to go to church and pray.

Prayer is our way of communicating with God. Not too long ago we told you how to pray. Be sure to read to know all the subtleties!

If one can find wisdom somewhere and seek answers to questions, it is in the lives of the saints. Recently we wrote about the life of Matrona of Moscow, which inspires good deeds by its example.

Do you observe bans on church holidays? Tell us in the comments!

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