What to remember about John the Baptist

At the end of the article will be an important prayer. We read, believe and hope for a better life. ¶

Today's edition. "Site" will share with you the text of a strong prayer for protection from evil to John the Baptist, which should be said on the feast and every day.

John was a prophet who announced the coming of Jesus Christ. He is called the Forerunner because he prepared people to receive the Son of God on earth. He is also called the Baptist, because he baptized Jesus in the Jordan River. He became one of the most revered saints. On September 11, all believers of the world celebrate the day when the Baptist accepted the martyrdom.

This holiday has a very sad history. It all began when John was put in prison because he condemned the act of the ruler of Galilee, who abandoned his wife for Herodias, the wife of his brother Philip. While he was in prison, the people celebrated the birthday of King Herod. During the festive feast, the daughter of Herodias, Salome, danced so beautifully that the ruler promised her to fulfill any desire.

Salome consulted her mother and wished to be brought the head of John the Baptist. Herod did not dare to break his promise, although he did not want to do so, so he sent the executioner to prison. Soon John’s head was brought to a feast, where they put it on a dish, and then presented it to Solome.

On September 11, believers celebrate a very important holiday – the Beheading of the head of John the Forerunner. This is a great holiday, revered among believers. On this day we remember the life of John the Baptist, thank him for his great deeds and offer him prayers.

Believers on this day try to go to church for service and offer a prayer to the prophet. It is believed that it is on this day that she has powerful power and is able to shield. We ask the Prophet for help and guidance. Just say the words of prayer on this great holiday.

“The Baptist of Christ, the preacher of repentance!” Do not despise me, who repents, but pray with the Hosts of Heaven to the Lord for me, unworthy, despondent, weak and sad, in many troubles fallen, troubled by the stormy thoughts of my mind. For I, the receptacle of evil works, do not cease my sinful habits, for my mind is nailed to earthly things.

What shall I do, I do not know to whom to turn to save my soul? Only to you, St. John, full of grace, for I know that you, after the Mother of God, are before the Lord more than all those born: for you were worthy to touch the head of the King Christ, the Lamb of God, who took upon himself the sins of the world.

Pray to Him for my sinful soul, that at least at the eleventh hour I may bear a good burden and receive a reward with the latter. Truly, the Baptist of Christ, the venerated Baptist, the last prophet, the first martyr by grace, the poster and the desert master, the teacher of purity and the closest friend of Christ!

I pray to you, I appeal to you: do not deprive me of your intercession, but raise me up, who has fallen into many sins; renew my soul by repentance, as by a second baptism, for you are the leader of both: by baptism you wash away original sin, but by repentance you cleanse everyone from evil deeds. So cleanse me with the sins of the defiled, and urge me to enter where nothing evil enters the kingdom of heaven. Amen.


With these words we ask the prophet about everything that is so important to us. He will listen to those who pray and ask the Lord for intercession. The most important thing is to say the words of prayer with pure thoughts and with all your heart. Don’t forget that prayer is not just for the holidays. God bless you!


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