You will be surprised to learn how people pass their sores on to others, you should always be on your guard.
People often feel that they are more unhappy than others. And no matter how much you prove to them that happiness is a very individual thing, they try to make sure that you do not have happiness. There are whole rituals for transferring the disease to another person. You may not even know for a long time that you have been given a disease. In such cases, it is necessary spoilage.
As a rule, such people use public places to transfer their diseases. They can lean against you in transport or touch you in the store. And you will feel pain in the exact organ or part of the body that the person is trying to get rid of.
But there is another way of transmitting diseases – this is the verbal method. A person can talk to you, by the way, and begin to tell the symptoms of their disease in detail and color.
If you are a very attentive and sensitive person, you can delve into this conversation. And thus to take over this disease. But if there is a way to transmit diseases, there is a way to protect yourself from such an attack on your health. And today's edition. "Site" He'll tell you what happens. spoilage.
We cannot protect ourselves from society and stop communicating with people. Sometimes a person does not even suspect that, telling about the disease, he can share it with someone. But, as a rule, a person does it consciously.
This speaks of the anger and envy of such a person to everyone around him. Most often, he desires troubles and diseases to others, not even suspecting that such behavior brings only more and more trouble to himself.
So, the first thing to remember when communicating with another person. As soon as a person begins to talk in great detail about his illnesses, you need to transfer the topic to a more favorable one or directly tell the person that you are unpleasant to listen to such a story.
But there are people who just ignore everything they are told and keep telling them. If you have to deal with such a person, do not take his story to heart. Try to stay away and think about something more pleasant. Never sympathize with such a person.
And be sure after such communication, when you come home, wash yourself with cold water. It is necessary to do it 3 times and each time to say the following words: “I am washing away someone else’s water with a cold water, I send it home.”
After that, you can not be afraid that some sore will cling to you. And every time you feel like a person is trying to put the burden of their illness or problems on you, do this simple ritual.
Our editorial staff wants all our readers to remain healthy and happy despite the complexities of this world. Everyone deserves to be happy and healthy. In the comments, have you encountered people who want to harm others?
As a rule, such people use public places to transfer their diseases. They can lean against you in transport or touch you in the store. And you will feel pain in the exact organ or part of the body that the person is trying to get rid of.
But there is another way of transmitting diseases – this is the verbal method. A person can talk to you, by the way, and begin to tell the symptoms of their disease in detail and color.
If you are a very attentive and sensitive person, you can delve into this conversation. And thus to take over this disease. But if there is a way to transmit diseases, there is a way to protect yourself from such an attack on your health. And today's edition. "Site" He'll tell you what happens. spoilage.
We cannot protect ourselves from society and stop communicating with people. Sometimes a person does not even suspect that, telling about the disease, he can share it with someone. But, as a rule, a person does it consciously.
This speaks of the anger and envy of such a person to everyone around him. Most often, he desires troubles and diseases to others, not even suspecting that such behavior brings only more and more trouble to himself.
So, the first thing to remember when communicating with another person. As soon as a person begins to talk in great detail about his illnesses, you need to transfer the topic to a more favorable one or directly tell the person that you are unpleasant to listen to such a story.
But there are people who just ignore everything they are told and keep telling them. If you have to deal with such a person, do not take his story to heart. Try to stay away and think about something more pleasant. Never sympathize with such a person.
And be sure after such communication, when you come home, wash yourself with cold water. It is necessary to do it 3 times and each time to say the following words: “I am washing away someone else’s water with a cold water, I send it home.”
After that, you can not be afraid that some sore will cling to you. And every time you feel like a person is trying to put the burden of their illness or problems on you, do this simple ritual.
Our editorial staff wants all our readers to remain healthy and happy despite the complexities of this world. Everyone deserves to be happy and healthy. In the comments, have you encountered people who want to harm others?
Only the most attentive will be able to find a parrot here, try to see the feather.
There is nothing stronger and more effective against spoilage than a regular clove of garlic, try it yourself.