Only the most attentive will be able to find a parrot here, try to see the feather.

Methods of thinking development They can be very different. And there are so many of them that every person can find what he likes. Read books, solve crossword puzzles, solve mathematical examples and puzzles, play logical games, participate in discussions, watch informative videos and movies...

Although to increase efficiency, it is worth combining different techniques, trying new ways. And even mindfulness tests also develop thinking. Today's edition. "Site" I ask readers to do a couple of these things.

Methods of thinking development
  1. You had to see the first task at the preview. Try to find a parrot that feels quite comfortable here. You can't tell there's a bird here. You have to be very careful to notice something strange. Did you find the bird?

  2. There is much more to it than in the previous picture. We see a huge number of leaves of different colors and shapes. But there's something else, and that's a tiny frog. Try to find him. Although we are sure that this will not be easy to do. Can you do it fast enough?

  3. The following image shows a dozen Easter rabbits. Of course, we have other holiday symbols, but this will not hurt to tackle this problem. We need to find a tiny chicken here. Turn on your observation to the fullest to cope with this task.


Tips and answers
  1. The parrot lurked in the left side of the picture. Still can't find him? Then we tag it in the image, and you'll be surprised how easy it really was. Needless to say, the color of this bird is very suitable to the existing background.

  2. Note that the frog is green in color. If this clue didn't help you find a tailless amphibian, then look at the right edge of the image, just below the middle. If we can’t find anything, we rush to circle the frog with a red mug. As you can see, he's still here.


  3. Couldn't find the yellow chicken? What if you look at the left side of the picture? What if you look around the yellow basket on the left? We'll circle the chicken with a red mug if you can't find it.


After this training, your attention will probably get a little better. Solve other problems that will allow you to work on the development of thinking. And also train observation with our other tasks.


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