I saw my son with another woman and decided to talk to him.

In the lives of adults, there are often situations that are not as simple as we would like. Stupid affairs, serious romances, just infidelity do not arise out of nowhere. But they still have to, sooner or later. For example, How to keep a family together with a husbandWho only stumbled once, but then realized everything?

In addition, a crack in the relationship between two people can also hurt their loved ones. It makes sense because humans are social creatures. We have friends, acquaintances, relatives. They hate it when stories like this happen. They are nervous, sad and trying to help. But how can you help if such personal questions are not taken out of the door?

You know what they usually say about mother-in-law? That she is so-and-so, and often completely hates her daughter-in-law. That's the way it is for the people. I have a different opinion. My Katenka is a beautiful girl and a better couple for Andrew just can not find. I love her with all my heart and treat her like a daughter.

Peels We often communicate, go shopping. She tells me about her life with her son. They are not ashamed to share their thoughts and aspirations. Also, like me, I want them to have three or more children. So you won't see any bias on my part. I'm very happy with her.

I'm happy with my son, Andrew. At least until recently. He's my future doctor, and he's doing an internship. My husband and I tried to give him a good education. We put in everything we could. But it is clear that even the best parents will not be able to fully form a person. Unfortunately.

Peels I was coming home from downtown recently. There were some problems with retirement, but it doesn’t matter. The case, as they say, does not apply. But while driving near the local square, I saw Andrew. What struck me at once was strange: what is he doing here on Thursday, in the middle of the day? I got off at the stop and only then noticed he wasn't alone.

There was a pretty girl in his company. She smiled and held a small bouquet of flowers. I probably wouldn't have noticed if her face didn't look familiar to me. After watching them for a while, I realized that this was not a friendly meeting. My son walked around like a boy in love. Always smiling and hugging. It was a shock to me.

Peels I didn't make scenes, the age is wrong. So I decided to just get back on the transport and go home. On that day, my thoughts did not leave resentment for Katya and disappointment in my own son. I know people aren’t saints, but it didn’t make me feel any better. That's a nasty feeling, friends.

On Saturday, having agreed in advance with Andrei, we met with him in my apartment. I immediately put the cards on the table and told everything I saw. I didn’t do anything about it, so the conversation was on high tones. No matter how old my child is, he must understand that this is not the way to behave.

Peels, he didn't even deny it. He immediately admitted his guilt and told me how it was. It turns out that his companion was not someone, but her Majesty, Andrei’s first love, Natasha. That's why I thought I'd seen her somewhere before. There are a lot of memories with this girl, most of which are negative.

They started dating at school. Natasha pushed her son around as soon as she wanted. But you know how weak these guys are when it comes to first relationships. He went everywhere only with her. I forgot about my friends, my dad and I. I didn't want to study. Just to have Natasha around him all day long.

Peels And she walked with others, went to clubs. I asked Andrew for some gifts. Where does a guy his age get the money? Well, it's still a predator. When they finally broke up, the son locked himself in his room and did not come out, probably for a couple of days. But now that he has become an intern and has hope for a normal future, she is on the horizon again.

My son promised me that this was the first and last time. I deleted her phone and social media account. It was clear that he was speaking sincerely. It is clear that I personally do not need his remorse. I'm his mother, not his wife. Said he was terrible. That I'm very unhappy with them. But life goes on and we have to move forward. After that, he left.

But now I have an internal, ethical problem. What about Katya? This sweet kid believes me and I don't want to lie to him. Even an omission, for people of my generation, is also a lie. Especially since I will not lie to anyone, but to a relative, if not to twist. I was raised differently.

On the other hand, I understand that first of all my revelations will harm the marriage of Katya and Andrew. This cannot be allowed categorically. Well, he made a mistake, with whom he never happens. Couldn't it be his first and last time? Especially since it was his first love. I would love to listen to your advice. As they say, one head is good, and two, after all, better. Thanks.


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