For 15 minutes cooked cake without baking, guests begged the recipe all evening

For 15 minutes cooked cake without baking gelatin, guests begged the recipe all evening. It tastes like cheesecake, but you do not need to bake it. As a basis, I take chocolate sand cookies, but in principle, any you have will do. Nuts can also be taken to taste. This treat is even kept. refrigeratorlessThis is very convenient in case of a light outage.

Today's edition. "Site" They will tell you how to prepare the supple. cakeless by Olga Matvey's recipe. Elegant sweetness!

Cake without baking with gelatin Ingredients for dough
  • 1 tsp gelatin
  • 100g cookies
  • 100g nuts
  • 1 can of condensed
  • 50g butter
  • 200ml cream

  1. Pour gelatin with water and let it swell. The bottom and sides of the form for baking with a diameter of 18 centimeters (you can less, but not more than 20 cm) covered with parchment.

  2. In a blender, grind cookies. Do the nuts, too. Mix them and add the softened butter. Stir it to uniformity. If the mass is not very sticky, pour a little water into it (about 1.5 tablespoons). Put the finished mass on the bottom of the form, with a teaspoon form the sides.

  3. In the bowl pour condensed, there also add cream. They can be replaced with yogurt, sour cream or milk. Break the blender to uniformity.

  4. Warm up on the stove or in the microwave gelatin. It's important that it melt. Pour the gelatin into the condensed, stir until uniform. Pour the liquid mass into the mold. Cover the film and leave it on the table or in the refrigerator until it freezes completely. It takes about 2-3 hours.

  5. Take the form off the dessert and put it on the plate. It's delicious. So cut on portion-piece and serve it to the table. Enjoy your tea!

To get acquainted with the recipe of this cake, watch the video from the Olga Matvey culinary channel. Her recipes come out the first time and hurrah.


I also suggest you find out whether it is possible to cook Napoleon if there is no light. There's no need to bake cakes in it!

This cake without baking with gelatin It's delicious. Gelatin can be replaced by agar-agar, but then condensed should take boiled. Instead of cookies, sweet crackers are also suitable, which can be supplemented with raisins. By experimenting, you can get new variations of this sweetness. The recipe is excellent, I recommend it from the heart!


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