How to wash the sofa with a pan lid, without straining and without nerves
How shower Quick and cost-free? Many housewives try to bring their home to ideal condition before the holidays. Couches are not ignored. But often they need to be cleaned with special devices or call cliners. Such services can hurt your wallet and make finances sing romances. You can put a blanket over the couch. But we will suggest a bolder life hack for cleaning sofas.
How to wash the couch can't do that. cleverly cleaning the sofa without a pan lid. Why do you even need it? That’s a good question, but let me save the answer and put it closer to the end. We think you'll start to guess what and what. Which lid should I choose? In general, any metal or glass. Although it would be better if the cover is a decent diameter. So you can save some time.
Preparing a tool for cleaning the sofa you need in deep plastic. As soon as all components become homogeneous, it will be necessary from time to time to immerse a cloth in them and squeeze out the unnecessary liquid. It will be better if the size of the plastic bowl allows you to comfortably move it around the sofa during cleaning.
Cleaning components
Peels Original Recipe: Pour hot water into a plastic plate. Keep in mind that it should not be boiling water, but just hot water. Infuse all the components for detergent gradually. It is better to wait until each ingredient dissolves or mixes with water properly. First add a dishwasher. It must be stirred carefully to form a small foam.
We understand that we want to quickly do everything and get rid of ourselves. exhausting. But it is important to perform each action calmly and without unnecessary fuss. For example, the foam after adding a detergent should be light. Otherwise, you risk staining such a tool for cleaning sofas, in fact, the sofa itself.
Peels Also slowly add soda, window cleaner and other ingredients. Aromatic oil can be poured at will. Enough. drop. If you already choose oil, it is better to give preference to fresh citrus or fragrant needles. Win-win options. In a homogeneous solution, immerse the cloth so that it lies a little in such a liquid. Then squeeze it carefully so that water does not drip from the cloth. If you have very delicate skin on your hands, then it is better to work with gloves.
Peels How to wash the sofa with a pan lid Wet cloth put on the sofa. Put a lid on top of it and collect the edges of the rag by the handle of the lid. That'll work. iron To clean the couch. Start to slowly conduct circular movements around the perimeter of the sofa and after a few minutes you will notice the result.
Of course, such a life hack will help to cope with low degree of contamination. The dust and bad smell will go away. But if you understand that you need a major cleaning, then it is better to turn to professionals. We hope that it will be possible to do with small forces and such a funny life hack will be extremely useful.

How to wash the couch can't do that. cleverly cleaning the sofa without a pan lid. Why do you even need it? That’s a good question, but let me save the answer and put it closer to the end. We think you'll start to guess what and what. Which lid should I choose? In general, any metal or glass. Although it would be better if the cover is a decent diameter. So you can save some time.

Preparing a tool for cleaning the sofa you need in deep plastic. As soon as all components become homogeneous, it will be necessary from time to time to immerse a cloth in them and squeeze out the unnecessary liquid. It will be better if the size of the plastic bowl allows you to comfortably move it around the sofa during cleaning.

Cleaning components
- 500 ml of hot water
- 1 tbsp means for washing dishes
- 2 tbsp means for washing windows
- 1 tbsp soda
- 100ml alcohol
- fragrant oil (optional)

Peels Original Recipe: Pour hot water into a plastic plate. Keep in mind that it should not be boiling water, but just hot water. Infuse all the components for detergent gradually. It is better to wait until each ingredient dissolves or mixes with water properly. First add a dishwasher. It must be stirred carefully to form a small foam.
We understand that we want to quickly do everything and get rid of ourselves. exhausting. But it is important to perform each action calmly and without unnecessary fuss. For example, the foam after adding a detergent should be light. Otherwise, you risk staining such a tool for cleaning sofas, in fact, the sofa itself.

Peels Also slowly add soda, window cleaner and other ingredients. Aromatic oil can be poured at will. Enough. drop. If you already choose oil, it is better to give preference to fresh citrus or fragrant needles. Win-win options. In a homogeneous solution, immerse the cloth so that it lies a little in such a liquid. Then squeeze it carefully so that water does not drip from the cloth. If you have very delicate skin on your hands, then it is better to work with gloves.

Peels How to wash the sofa with a pan lid Wet cloth put on the sofa. Put a lid on top of it and collect the edges of the rag by the handle of the lid. That'll work. iron To clean the couch. Start to slowly conduct circular movements around the perimeter of the sofa and after a few minutes you will notice the result.

Of course, such a life hack will help to cope with low degree of contamination. The dust and bad smell will go away. But if you understand that you need a major cleaning, then it is better to turn to professionals. We hope that it will be possible to do with small forces and such a funny life hack will be extremely useful.
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