What not to throw out of the house
Inevitably there comes a time when everything new necessarily becomes old; it becomes useless for natural reasons or as a result of force majeure. What’s the problem if the washing machine goes bad? I threw it in a dump, and it's over. Maybe it used to be, but imagine: now the washing machine in every apartment, and all at the same time became useless. Civilization is about to collapse.
Editorial "Site" I was wondering, how to dispose of waste Right, so as not to hurt anyone. Moreover, before throwing into the trash, say, a refrigerator, be sure to understand that it is not just to throw a bag of garbage into the tank, it is important to familiarize yourself with the legislation. So before you throw a cheating husband's favorite TV from the balcony, think about what that entails.
How to dispose of thermometer
Believe me, this is far from a complete list of iron that should be properly disposed of. In the future, we plan to expand the number of materials in which we will share tips. how to dispose of garbage and appliances. In addition, we strongly recommend you to familiarize yourself with things that in any case should not be thrown out of the house, because they preserve your energy. Write about all your impressions in the comments and be sure to share this article with others, let them know how to properly dispose of!

Editorial "Site" I was wondering, how to dispose of waste Right, so as not to hurt anyone. Moreover, before throwing into the trash, say, a refrigerator, be sure to understand that it is not just to throw a bag of garbage into the tank, it is important to familiarize yourself with the legislation. So before you throw a cheating husband's favorite TV from the balcony, think about what that entails.

How to dispose of thermometer
- You've known for a long time that the usual medical thermometer You need to take care of it like the apple of your eye, God forbid it breaks, you won’t turn around. You can't just take the collected mercury and flush it down the toilet, it's extremely poisonous. It is best to immediately call a brigade that deals with demercurization. Do not collect mercury with a vacuum cleaner or hands, it is dangerous to health. Call the emergency phone, they will tell you what to do. Remember: throwing a broken thermometer in the trash is forbidden!
- Normal. finger battery It can poison 20 square meters of land or 400 liters of water with harmful substances. If you look at it carefully, you will notice a sign that looks like a crossed-out garbage can. This means that batteries can not be thrown away, they must be disposed of. Look for a point of reception of used batteries in your city, and before that collect in an empty bottle from mineral water.
- Yours. refrigerator For thirty years he served faithfully, but one day he flowed and did not join again, the master made a disappointing verdict. Remove the magnets from it and look for a company that will pump out the refrigerant (aka Freon) and take the deceased for recycling. If there is no such thing, you will have to connect a fantasy to get rid of it. Take it to the garbage on a moonless rainy night, when you will not even meet ghouls, otherwise you risk a solid fine.
- Mobile phoneThose who have served their own are also subject to special disposal. Just imagine: of all devices, only 3 percent gets to the recycling points. Meanwhile, if you throw your phone in the trash, which is much easier to do than in the case of a refrigerator, the environment will cry, because you simply pollute it: the phone also has a battery that can poison. Take it to recycling.
- A useful thing like notebook, ten years ago solved all your problems, now aged and no longer pulls your favorite site "So Simple". It seems like it should be easier, but the old comp is full of surprises. These are rare metals, monitors with mercury elements and other components, the impact of which on the environment has not yet been studied. Try to sell to someone, you'll get some money at the same time.
Believe me, this is far from a complete list of iron that should be properly disposed of. In the future, we plan to expand the number of materials in which we will share tips. how to dispose of garbage and appliances. In addition, we strongly recommend you to familiarize yourself with things that in any case should not be thrown out of the house, because they preserve your energy. Write about all your impressions in the comments and be sure to share this article with others, let them know how to properly dispose of!