How to arrange a flowering island of roses in the country

Three years ago, I inherited a house. They say that the warmest memories are associated with childhood, so I have these memories associated with this suburban area. Every summer I went there with my grandparents. I walked a lot, bathed in the lake and ate apples straight from the tree.

I also admired the roses that my grandmother lovingly planted. There were a lot of roses, and I probably have never seen such beautiful ones anywhere. Not to mention their breathtaking smell!

Last year I tried to plant the same roses as my grandmother, but my efforts were unsuccessful. Roses grew badly, stunted. What I've never tried! Even my husband jokingly said that at that time I worked for a flower shop: half of my salary was spent on feeding and fertilizers. The queen of flowers didn’t want to live in my garden.

Probably, everything would have remained so if it had not been for the farmer’s business neighbor, who opened my eyes to what I had admitted. carelessness. “The rose is a beautiful but capricious flower. You need to know special secrets! he began his story. I ran to get my notebook so I wouldn't miss anything. I am sure that after such advice I will be able to make friends with a prickly beauty.

Today's edition. "Site" How to get a beautiful flowering island from dacha. Save it, you'll need it!

Rose cultivation
  1. When planting a rose in the ground, you should not leave the vaccination on the surface of the soil. It is better to deepen the root neck of the plant by 2-3 centimeters into the soil. With a very deep location of the vaccination, it will be difficult to take root: the neck of the root when watering will begin to soak and rot, and your beauty, without having time to please with its abundant flowering, will die in the first year.

  2. Do not cut garden roses for the winter. So the plant loses vitality and goes to winter weakened. It is better to trim the rose in spring, removing frozen and dead shoots to the place of the first bud on the flower.

  3. Principle rose-planting "Where it looks more beautiful" in competent gardening does not work. Roses love light, love warmth. It is advisable to at least fence them from the north and northeast winds. Otherwise, the roses will slow down the metabolism and go into a kind of hibernation, and then completely die.

  4. And wet soils are deadly for roses. The roots must breathe, otherwise the flower will die from lack of oxygen. Nor are they friends with trees. If planted nearby, the “older brother” will take away water and minerals. The stems will thin, the buds will stop blooming.

  5. It is best to water a beautiful rose with cool water. Watering is abundant but rare.

  6. The leaves of the rose should not be cut for the winter. The plant will decide for how long it needs the leaves.

  7. Preparing this gentle beauty for winter, you should take care of a good shelter of the root system. It is the most vulnerable in the cold. And experienced gardeners use for this hilling, but it must be done correctly so as not to harm the plant. Do not fill the bushes for the winter with clean peat. It absorbs a lot of moisture, and in a warm rainy winter, the roots of the roses will wake up prematurely, touch the growth of shoots, and this will lead to inevitable death. It is better to sour the flower, like potatoes, by 25 centimeters.

I also suggest that you get acquainted with a selection of the most unpretentious flowers for the garden. These are 11 ideas for those who visit the country only on one of the weekends!

Considering all these mistakes that are often made by summer residents. rose-growingYou can not only grow healthy bushes on your site, but also create a real pink arboretum and not one season to enjoy the lush flowering and gentle aroma of these beautiful flowers!


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