Chicken recipe in bacon
Today we want to share with you a simple but delicious dish. It looks really unusual and can decorate both a weekday and a festive table.
Chicken in bacon Chicken fillet in bacon This is an excellent snack that can be prepared very quickly. This recipe can save you if guests suddenly have to come, and there is almost no time for cooking.
Let's make these. chicken-and-bacon roulette Hurry up!
The ingredients
Chicken Eskimo will go well with fresh salad or your favorite side dish. Bon appetit!
Chicken in bacon Chicken fillet in bacon This is an excellent snack that can be prepared very quickly. This recipe can save you if guests suddenly have to come, and there is almost no time for cooking.

Let's make these. chicken-and-bacon roulette Hurry up!

The ingredients
- 2 chicken fillets
- 1 small bulb
- 1 egg
- 2 tablespoons of manca or couscous
- salt
- pepper
- 40g bacon
- 1 tbsp butter
- Wash the chicken fillet under cold running water and dry thoroughly with a paper towel. Cut it in big pieces.
- Clean the husks, wash them and cut them.
- Onions and grind meat in a blender. Add salt, pepper, and manca or couscous to the mince. Mix all the ingredients carefully.
- Add the egg and stir it up again.
- Form from minced meat small cutlets of oblong shape. Use wooden swords to make these cutlets a small barbecue. Wrap the mince with bacon.
- To keep the rolls in shape, leave them in the freezer for half an hour.
- The tray is covered with foil, which must be lubricated with vegetable oil.
- Heat the oven to 200 degrees and bake the dish for half an hour under the top grill.
Chicken Eskimo will go well with fresh salad or your favorite side dish. Bon appetit!