Where to put unnecessary cosmetics
Any girl knows you. makeup. In the process of forming its basic arsenal of decorative and care products, there is a decent number of products that for one reason or another did not fit. But what if I say goodbye to them?
Editorial "Site" will tell where to put on unnecessary makeup!
It is necessary to carefully monitor the shelf life and changes (odor, color, consistency) of all products for makeup and skin care. Therefore, before eliminating unnecessary cosmetics, pay attention to this. Now let's figure it out. What are the solutions in each of these cases.
If the expiration date has expired
If the product is not out of date
I hope these simple tips will help you finally crack the shelves from tubes, jars and cosmetic boxes. But it is best to prevent hoarding by following a few simple rules.
Do not buy funds spontaneously, think about whether you already have similar shades (in the case of shadows or lipstick) and whether a new purchase will be practical to use. Such A more informed approach to cosmetics This will help you cut your number in half. Good luck!

Editorial "Site" will tell where to put on unnecessary makeup!
It is necessary to carefully monitor the shelf life and changes (odor, color, consistency) of all products for makeup and skin care. Therefore, before eliminating unnecessary cosmetics, pay attention to this. Now let's figure it out. What are the solutions in each of these cases.
If the expiration date has expired
- Throw it away This method is, of course, the easiest. But first make sure that you can get any benefit from the product.
- Give it to the kid for play. Imagine how great it would be if, when you were a kid, you were asked to paint dolls with your mother's shadows. And paint the paper with lipstick? I'm sure the baby will love it!
- Be creative. Old nail polishes can be used to cover wooden blanks or frames for photos. Hair polish perfectly fixes some colors, such as gouache. Pearl shadows can also be useful in drawing or decorating products.
- Use it for shoes The most economical can use unsuitable creams for cleaning shoes. The result is no worse than from special means.
If the product is not out of date
- Quality cosmetics You can give it to your mother, friend, sister or friend.
- If you have too much hand creamLeave one at work or cottage to use there.
- Badly bought novelty You can try to sell. It is likely that there are those who want to buy it a little cheaper than in the store.
- Inappropriate makeup Use it boldly for your hands or feet. Since the skin of the face is extremely sensitive, an allergic reaction (if any) will not occur on these parts of the body.
- Unneeded shampoo It is wise to use for shaving, hand washing or as a bath foam.
- shower gelIt is easy to use as liquid soap and also foam for baths.
- For lipstickWhen you’re alone in makeup, there’s also an application. Few people know, but it can perfectly model eyebrows using an old carcass brush.
- Old. toilet-water Scent the car interior or bedding.
- Deposited face-scraper Good for body and heel.
- If you didn't come creamNo problem! Dark shade is perfect for sculpting the face, and too light can be used as a highlighter or base under the shadows.
I hope these simple tips will help you finally crack the shelves from tubes, jars and cosmetic boxes. But it is best to prevent hoarding by following a few simple rules.
Do not buy funds spontaneously, think about whether you already have similar shades (in the case of shadows or lipstick) and whether a new purchase will be practical to use. Such A more informed approach to cosmetics This will help you cut your number in half. Good luck!