How to manage a family budget in love and harmony
It is rare to meet a married couple who for many years of living together would not face disagreements about the overall budget. A husband wants a fishing rod and a wife wants a dress. He offers to make repairs, and his beloved demands to spend money on a foreign vacation.
Money is never much, but disagreements are especially acute in middle-income families. And it is even more difficult to smooth out sharp corners if one of the spouses earns much more than the other, or even is the only earner.
And today's edition. "Site" He wants to talk about it. How to manage the family budgetto avoid quarrels and to live a comfortable life. Is that possible?
“Everything was fine until my wife went on maternity leave.” Before that, we could go on vacation and go to a restaurant on weekends. Now I'm the only one who makes money, and she's at home with the baby. He's also talking about mortgages. What kind of mortgage do we have? Wants me to work for everyone, carry a mortgage? And her? Does the birth of a child give the right to sit on my neck?
The subject of money is considered one of the most painful in any family. The problem is that couples in love, planning a life together, do not really like to discuss such an unpleasant thing as household.
Of course, you are in love and happy, and it is even awkward to think who will pay for food or diapers later. But after a couple of years of married life, there are all sorts of things, and often there are situations when the husband simply “pushes” his wife to work, as soon as she managed to recover after giving birth.
Therefore, if it is not possible to distribute money in the family, then this issue should be discussed with a partner. And here it is important how the family budget was managed in the family of each of you. And since this experience is different, you need to talk, share experiences and negotiate, finding a solution that suits all family members.
It is optimal if both a man and a woman earn money. In this case, it is easier to plan the family budget, because everyone makes a tangible contribution. In addition, everyone has money for personal needs, which eliminates the need to ask for funds from a partner for every little thing.
If the husband’s income allows his wife not to work, and he is ready to support such a model, then it is necessary to agree in advance what amount the husband is regularly ready to work. lay off for the needs of the wife and other family members.
It is hardly worth counting on the fact that 100% of the husband's income will go to the family budget. After all, left without free funds, he will surely subconsciously feel pressure and injustice, which will inevitably lead to disagreements and scandals.
Therefore, it is important to listen to each other, including in financial matters. And if family budget planning will take into account the interests of each family member, and at the same time everyone will be as comfortable as possible, it will not matter who is financially useful. Even if only the wife brings money into the house.
Money is never much, but disagreements are especially acute in middle-income families. And it is even more difficult to smooth out sharp corners if one of the spouses earns much more than the other, or even is the only earner.
And today's edition. "Site" He wants to talk about it. How to manage the family budgetto avoid quarrels and to live a comfortable life. Is that possible?

“Everything was fine until my wife went on maternity leave.” Before that, we could go on vacation and go to a restaurant on weekends. Now I'm the only one who makes money, and she's at home with the baby. He's also talking about mortgages. What kind of mortgage do we have? Wants me to work for everyone, carry a mortgage? And her? Does the birth of a child give the right to sit on my neck?

The subject of money is considered one of the most painful in any family. The problem is that couples in love, planning a life together, do not really like to discuss such an unpleasant thing as household.
Of course, you are in love and happy, and it is even awkward to think who will pay for food or diapers later. But after a couple of years of married life, there are all sorts of things, and often there are situations when the husband simply “pushes” his wife to work, as soon as she managed to recover after giving birth.

Therefore, if it is not possible to distribute money in the family, then this issue should be discussed with a partner. And here it is important how the family budget was managed in the family of each of you. And since this experience is different, you need to talk, share experiences and negotiate, finding a solution that suits all family members.

It is optimal if both a man and a woman earn money. In this case, it is easier to plan the family budget, because everyone makes a tangible contribution. In addition, everyone has money for personal needs, which eliminates the need to ask for funds from a partner for every little thing.

If the husband’s income allows his wife not to work, and he is ready to support such a model, then it is necessary to agree in advance what amount the husband is regularly ready to work. lay off for the needs of the wife and other family members.

It is hardly worth counting on the fact that 100% of the husband's income will go to the family budget. After all, left without free funds, he will surely subconsciously feel pressure and injustice, which will inevitably lead to disagreements and scandals.

Therefore, it is important to listen to each other, including in financial matters. And if family budget planning will take into account the interests of each family member, and at the same time everyone will be as comfortable as possible, it will not matter who is financially useful. Even if only the wife brings money into the house.