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Meaning is blurred. It is irrefutable that many concepts take on a completely different connotation. Sometimes it seems that the universe of synonyms is replaced by the world of antonyms and doublethink. Is this about the loyalty we're going to talk about? No doubt about it.
The video of the famous mystic and yogi Sadhguru caught my eyes, the video will lead to the conclusion of the reflections that the entire impressionable editorial staff indulged in. "Site". Let's try to figure it out together - what? devotion in the development of the modern world and its values?
Let’s go online and look at the classic definition. Invariability in feelings and relationships, perseverance in the performance of their duties, manifested even in difficult circumstances. Commitment and loyalty. Service. Here are the synonyms that define the meaning of the word devotion.
Let's look at examples. In the usual value system, loyalty is seen as something high: people who sacrifice their own time, feelings and even lives have always been considered heroes. So devotion is inextricably linked to sacrifice.
Persistence of ideals and motives, belief in their own rightness allowed people to make great victories and discoveries throughout history. Devotion to ideals, which are formed in a healthy mind, determine the place of a person in society. That's the way it used to be. Okay, what does this have to do with the modern world?
The most mysterious thing is happening right now. The foundations that for centuries were considered unshakable are collapsing. At some point, we learned that people all over the world are the same, and, in principle, want things that everyone understands: peace, love, happiness. It turned out that borders are just dotted lines on maps, and heroes always helped the weak and sacrificed themselves.
At different times, there have been events that we assess as negative or positive, but ambiguous information pouring from all sides can be confusing. Ignite emotions. Make them do rash things. Okay, you say it. Let's go back to Sadhguru and what he really said. When it is easy to get lost in lies, to confuse the saint with the sinner, to miss the important things that make us human, devotion comes to the rescue.
In times of shifting accents, when it is difficult for an ordinary person to determine a starting point, you should look inside yourself. You can always be yourself and be loyal to yourself. This is the center from which you can start. Don’t let your lifestyle be defined by someone or something. Sacrifice for oneself, cultivation of unshakable moral foundations, stability of views and inviolability of principles. A foundation that will help you better understand yourself.
Accept life and destiny as a field of opportunity and always remember that we all start and end the same way: you do not choose how and where to be born, but you choose how to live and how to love. You define what loyalty is. It is she who guides you, creates the foundation, makes you stronger and stronger. Listen to what he says.
Sadhguru himself. The essence of devotion has not changed, its direction has changed.
You may not agree, but the conclusion is this: in a world with blurred borders, only you can be real. May your deeds be good and your thoughts be pure. Share this article with others, let them think about it. What is the value of loyalty. And be sure to write in the comments what you think about this.

The video of the famous mystic and yogi Sadhguru caught my eyes, the video will lead to the conclusion of the reflections that the entire impressionable editorial staff indulged in. "Site". Let's try to figure it out together - what? devotion in the development of the modern world and its values?

Let’s go online and look at the classic definition. Invariability in feelings and relationships, perseverance in the performance of their duties, manifested even in difficult circumstances. Commitment and loyalty. Service. Here are the synonyms that define the meaning of the word devotion.

Let's look at examples. In the usual value system, loyalty is seen as something high: people who sacrifice their own time, feelings and even lives have always been considered heroes. So devotion is inextricably linked to sacrifice.

Persistence of ideals and motives, belief in their own rightness allowed people to make great victories and discoveries throughout history. Devotion to ideals, which are formed in a healthy mind, determine the place of a person in society. That's the way it used to be. Okay, what does this have to do with the modern world?

The most mysterious thing is happening right now. The foundations that for centuries were considered unshakable are collapsing. At some point, we learned that people all over the world are the same, and, in principle, want things that everyone understands: peace, love, happiness. It turned out that borders are just dotted lines on maps, and heroes always helped the weak and sacrificed themselves.

At different times, there have been events that we assess as negative or positive, but ambiguous information pouring from all sides can be confusing. Ignite emotions. Make them do rash things. Okay, you say it. Let's go back to Sadhguru and what he really said. When it is easy to get lost in lies, to confuse the saint with the sinner, to miss the important things that make us human, devotion comes to the rescue.

In times of shifting accents, when it is difficult for an ordinary person to determine a starting point, you should look inside yourself. You can always be yourself and be loyal to yourself. This is the center from which you can start. Don’t let your lifestyle be defined by someone or something. Sacrifice for oneself, cultivation of unshakable moral foundations, stability of views and inviolability of principles. A foundation that will help you better understand yourself.

Accept life and destiny as a field of opportunity and always remember that we all start and end the same way: you do not choose how and where to be born, but you choose how to live and how to love. You define what loyalty is. It is she who guides you, creates the foundation, makes you stronger and stronger. Listen to what he says.
Sadhguru himself. The essence of devotion has not changed, its direction has changed.
You may not agree, but the conclusion is this: in a world with blurred borders, only you can be real. May your deeds be good and your thoughts be pure. Share this article with others, let them think about it. What is the value of loyalty. And be sure to write in the comments what you think about this.