In what cases should not be glued wallpaper

The Chinese have long known that living a perfect life is impossible. This is beyond the control of human forces, every day brings something new, it is impossible to control everything that happens. But life can be brought into harmony. Just like a spotted and sloppy wall can be repaired, painted and pasted with wallpaper.

By the way, wallpapering The Chinese are not always welcome. Moreover, quite different approaches have recently been popular in Chinese homes. Editorial "Site" I will gladly tell you what alternatives the enterprising Chinese have chosen and why. Here's our little tour.

Decorating the walls in the apartment False luxuryHere's what the Chinese might say about the wallpaper. When your apartment is small in general, but you are looking for royal decoration, it will look at least strange. The atmosphere itself will be heavy, but at home you need to relax, prepare yourself for new achievements. The Chinese believe that the easier, the better. We will not exclude the influence of the West, many Chinese are trying to imitate laovy.

  1. Wallpaper.
    This does not mean that the wallpaper should be completely abandoned, they still have many fans. As for the Chinese, they can be confused by the color scheme, the inaccuracy of gluing, after which the seams are visible, and even wallpaper is difficult to wash. In short, the Chinese believe that those who strive for perfection will not stick wallpaper. It should always be remembered that the Chinese have their own, sometimes completely incomprehensible philosophy, which means that you should not go on about it.

  2. Stones.
    If it were in the power of any Chinese, he would finish the walls with stones. Everything would go in the course: marble tiles, and decorative bricks, and God knows what else, but necessarily of stone. The stone keeps cool in the heat, resistant to humid environment, has good sound insulation. An insurmountable obstacle is the high price of such decoration, which does not fit into the concept of Chinese harmony at all.

  3. Paint.
    Ordinary modern latex or acrylic paint blends perfectly with toning pastes, providing a huge selection of pastel tones. It washes well and feels great on the wall, while it does not hit the pocket much. The Chinese like it because of its simplicity and visual comfort. Complies with the concept of environmental protection and modern social standards. We like it, too.

  4. Tree.
    To be clear, a liquid tree. Such paint for wall decoration is now especially popular in China. Often, the Chinese mix it with a primer to give the coating more texture and naturalness. At first, you might think that the room is wallpapered, but the lack of seams and some special natural simplicity create a much more attractive visual impression. By the way, you can use paint with other effects. Like velvet or moss.

  5. Soloma.
    In our country, this finish is known as the samana effect. This building material, which in ancient times was used by our ancestors, it consists of clay soil with the addition of straw. If in the Middle Ages it was built houses, now the walls are finished. The Chinese like it very much because it reminds them of nature, the country, the land – all those things that are spiritually close to them. If you aspire to such ecostyle and fusion with nature, you can apply it to yourself.

  6. concrete
    An ordinary concrete wall, which it is desirable to align well and cover with a layer of colorless acrylic paint (although you can not do this). This is where the wall finishes. Calm and rough interior like the Chinese, it can be seen in rich offices, stuffed with expensive equipment and jade. The eye is calm, and bright furniture will give a great contrast. However, what is good for the Chinese, our man is not always suitable. You can take care of such a finish if you like "cold" walls.

The general conclusion is logical and simple: stop wandering around giant malls in search of beautiful wallpaper. Wall finishing materials Now presented in such quantities that it is possible to write ten separate articles. All sorts of paints with the effects of a variety of textures, panels, drywall, plaster, primers - dear mother! My wife and I decided to paint with latex. What are you gonna do? Write about it in the comments and be sure to share this article with others. We're interested in everyone's opinion!


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