What are the advantages of lying in bed for a long time in the morning?

“He who gets up early, God gives him.” Fans of lying in bed for a long time in the morning have probably heard this saying. But to get up early, you need to go to bed earlier and in the evening, and this is unacceptable for many. After all, at a later time there is so much interesting, and then you need to somehow force yourself to go to bed.

And today's edition. "Site" list early rise. This information will make you reconsider your attitude to sleep and will help you wake up in the morning with joy.

Successful people constantly talk about how they wake up early to do their great things. And while someone is just coming to his senses for dinner, drinking another cup of coffee, some have time to do a lot of work by this time. How do they do this, and what are the reasons that motivate these “larks” to wake up neither light nor dawn?

  1. Time to disperse.
    Even taking a cold shower or drinking a cup of invigorating drink, you will not be able to fully awaken your body. To turn on at full power and get rid of sleepy inertia, we usually need 2 to 4 hours. Our productivity after waking up is low, so we can’t work 100%.
  2. Quality of sleep
    It is proved that those who have developed the habit of getting up early get enough sleep. Fans of lying in bed for a long time are more likely to suffer from sleep disorders and sleep poorly even when they sleep 1 or even 2 hours longer than “larks”.

  3. Ease of lifting
    Who hasn’t set their alarm clock for 5 or 10 minutes in the morning to soak up their bed a little longer? However, experts warn that this practice only disrupts the sleep cycle, but does not prolong it, and therefore the person will not feel awake during the day. Getting up on the first bell will make waking up easy.
  4. Victory over procrastination
    Procrastinators are unproductive at first, and therefore like to postpone all important things for later, to get everything closer to the night. Larks, on the contrary, do all the most important things in the morning, and then rest. The advantage of the second approach is that the burden of care does not lie on the shoulders of a person until late at night. “Do it, walk boldly,” is the motto of those who wake up early. Aren't they right?

  5. Contributing to your physical form
    Sleep disturbance has a bad effect on metabolism, which often leads to a set of extra pounds. And the habit of waking up early and immediately start exercising in the morning will be another advantage in the fight for excellent physical shape. Improve yourself while others lie aimlessly in bed.

  6. More motivation
    Awakening sets the tone for the day. And if you wake up early, then this has already set a high bar for yourself, it will only remain to maintain it throughout the day. Moreover, after an early awakening, you will definitely have time to decide on your goals for the next day to do everything and not miss anything important.
  7. Plus learning.
    “Larks” often demonstrate remarkable results in their studies. They sleep well, have time to prepare for the educational process, rarely late for classes.

  8. The right habits
    Long sleep love those who lead a rich nightlife, which is often associated with various unhealthy things. Proper sleep not only forces you to abandon unnecessary night activity and addictions, but also motivates a person to acquire useful habits that will make him better.
  9. Emotional upliftment
    Mood swings and even depression rarely threaten those who have been able to develop proper sleep patterns. But lovers of lying in bed often have a changeable mood, which often depends on how well they managed to rest.

Benefits of Early Ascent It is obvious, and therefore it is not surprising that adherents of a healthy lifestyle pay a lot of attention to proper sleep. Of course, it will not be easy to get up early, but when the body gets used to it, you will definitely love the early rises.


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