I can’t judge a 72-year-old mom because she’s dreamed of having a baby all her life.
The most happy mother - What should it be? What age and status? Is the modern world still dictating absolutely savage conditions for women? Perhaps the evil legacy has not yet passed away, when girls could be called “old-born”? There are some things you can't hide. But in this article I will prove that motherhood is great at any age. After all, the main thing here is the happiness and love of a small native miracle.
Just a month ago my good friend became a mother of a wonderful girl Angelina. The name was chosen really beautiful, as the baby is extremely cute and funny. But her mother happened to be an unwitting listener to the conversation of two nurses. The ladies did not hesitate in all ways to scold a friend for the fact that she gave birth at the age of 31.
“I simply could not have a child because of my health problems. But these people don’t seem to care at all. Although they saw my medical records. And then they did not hesitate to wash absolutely every bone. That I'll be old when the kid goes to school. That my daughter would be ashamed to go out with me. It's disgusting and ugly. I wish I hadn’t heard that conversation, my friend said.
And while nice women are bothered with such stupid problems, some ladies give birth at 72. We are talking about a resident of India Daljinder Kaur. She's pretty much her whole life. tried to have a babyBut it didn't work. Then the couple Kaur decided to seek help from doctors. And Daljinder was lucky to bear and give birth to a healthy boy.
Of course, she knew the risks were high. After giving birth in 2016, she had joint problems, pressure and fatigue. However, the Kaur spouses were extremely happy. Daljinder told the media that she was very hurt when everyone around her called her "empty." But husband His wife and did not refuse marriage.
Instagram / @seryomisma_com Real record holders First female record holder I was lucky to have a child. Without medical intervention, there was a British Dawn Brooke. The case was recorded in 1997, when Dawn turned 59. New mothers’ age records are often broken in India. In addition to Daljinder Kaur, there were women who gave birth to twins and triplets in their 70s and 71s.
It is worth noting that such indicators cannot but be pleased. All those women dreamed of having a baby. Their dreams have finally come true. However, we must not forget possible consequences. Before you decide on such a bold step, you need to carefully weigh and think. The future mother should take care of her health, because she has yet to raise her baby.
Moreover, it is important to carefully prepare for the birth of a child. All necessary conditions, cleanliness and comfort should be created for it. Very important. comfortable And for mom. She will definitely need the support and help of her family. Special psychological assistance should also be provided if necessary.
Instagram / @elnorte The happiest mom in the world There are millions of amazing people living in this world life-story. Someone got a hard and unfair fate, and someone pulled a lucky ticket and became a real pamper of fate. Can people be blamed for that? Of course not. Therefore, discussing the problems of others or gloating is extremely ugly.
Do not despair and those who could not give life to a baby. Perhaps the fate of such a person is to take orphanage. Thousands of children suffer without parental care. This is a real tragedy. It is worth thanking the people who create new families and give parental warmth to those who so need it.

Just a month ago my good friend became a mother of a wonderful girl Angelina. The name was chosen really beautiful, as the baby is extremely cute and funny. But her mother happened to be an unwitting listener to the conversation of two nurses. The ladies did not hesitate in all ways to scold a friend for the fact that she gave birth at the age of 31.
“I simply could not have a child because of my health problems. But these people don’t seem to care at all. Although they saw my medical records. And then they did not hesitate to wash absolutely every bone. That I'll be old when the kid goes to school. That my daughter would be ashamed to go out with me. It's disgusting and ugly. I wish I hadn’t heard that conversation, my friend said.

And while nice women are bothered with such stupid problems, some ladies give birth at 72. We are talking about a resident of India Daljinder Kaur. She's pretty much her whole life. tried to have a babyBut it didn't work. Then the couple Kaur decided to seek help from doctors. And Daljinder was lucky to bear and give birth to a healthy boy.
Of course, she knew the risks were high. After giving birth in 2016, she had joint problems, pressure and fatigue. However, the Kaur spouses were extremely happy. Daljinder told the media that she was very hurt when everyone around her called her "empty." But husband His wife and did not refuse marriage.

Instagram / @seryomisma_com Real record holders First female record holder I was lucky to have a child. Without medical intervention, there was a British Dawn Brooke. The case was recorded in 1997, when Dawn turned 59. New mothers’ age records are often broken in India. In addition to Daljinder Kaur, there were women who gave birth to twins and triplets in their 70s and 71s.

It is worth noting that such indicators cannot but be pleased. All those women dreamed of having a baby. Their dreams have finally come true. However, we must not forget possible consequences. Before you decide on such a bold step, you need to carefully weigh and think. The future mother should take care of her health, because she has yet to raise her baby.
Moreover, it is important to carefully prepare for the birth of a child. All necessary conditions, cleanliness and comfort should be created for it. Very important. comfortable And for mom. She will definitely need the support and help of her family. Special psychological assistance should also be provided if necessary.

Instagram / @elnorte The happiest mom in the world There are millions of amazing people living in this world life-story. Someone got a hard and unfair fate, and someone pulled a lucky ticket and became a real pamper of fate. Can people be blamed for that? Of course not. Therefore, discussing the problems of others or gloating is extremely ugly.

Do not despair and those who could not give life to a baby. Perhaps the fate of such a person is to take orphanage. Thousands of children suffer without parental care. This is a real tragedy. It is worth thanking the people who create new families and give parental warmth to those who so need it.
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Strict aunt worked as a chef, she cooked for me the best squash caviar in the world.