They gave my son an apartment for the wedding, I left some keys to myself to visit my daughter-in-law.

Sometimes parents know no boundaries in their love for their children. And often it comes out sideways and one and the other. For some people love and care, others violate all conceivable and unthinkable personal boundaries. That's what happened in our history. Parents gave their son a generous gift for the wedding day. But it didn’t end the way everyone wanted.

Editorial "Site" He tells you the story of a woman who doesn't understand her fault. We hope for your wise advice.

Our wedding gift is the most precious thing we have. He's our only child. All my life I tried to do everything for him. He did not appreciate our help at all. I turned my back on my parents, and I don't even know what our fault is. But everything needs to be told in order.

Two years ago, our son Denis decided to get married. They didn't want a big wedding. But my husband and I decided that we could not leave our children without a worthy gift. Before the wedding, we took out a mortgage and took a young apartment. Of course, they recorded it on themselves. After all, a daughter-in-law is good, but inside the family somehow more reliable. We wanted our son to have housing.

At the wedding, we gave the keys as a gift. Then I left one set for myself. Then they were happy and very grateful. My husband and I were happy for them too.

Immediately after the wedding, they moved into the apartment, equipped it at their own expense. I decided that I wanted to please my daughter-in-law, so I started visiting the apartment from time to time. They're at work all day. While they're gone, I'll come clean up, cook the food. My daughter-in-law is a mess. Whenever I come, the house is a mess. The laundry is full, the toilet is not washed. I'm not talking about cooking. I didn't see anything in the fridge.

So I started coming to them almost every day. I didn't impose, I came when they weren't there. I just called my son and told him what I did. He asked me to clean more often and eat right. Without home-cooked food, it is not the case. I felt like I was making their lives better.

But one day my son came to us and brought us the keys to the apartment and said, “If you’re going to keep coming into our lives and telling us what to do, I don’t need this apartment.” You're always complaining. I don’t call every day, I don’t know where to go on vacation. I shouldn't. My wife and I can decide when to clean and what to eat.

He left his keys and left. Turns out they moved into a rented apartment. After his claims, it turned out that I was a bad mother to help them with everything. We care about him. What do I do now? Going to apologize for taking care of them?

Parents gave their son a generous gift for the wedding day. However, they did not warn that with him there is total control. No one wants to live under the constant supervision of their parents. Apparently, even the apartment did not become a serious argument for young people. We think that the heroine of the story should reconsider her views on life and try to understand her son. What do you think of this situation?


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