Why Sergey Shnurov admires Alla Pugacheva

Sergey Shnurov could not remain silent after seeing the angry statements of the press and listeners against Alla Pugacheva. The performer of the hits “I would in the sky” and “Road” supports the Diva with all my soul. Man must be free, must go wherever he wants. Apparently, Sergey understands that today they scold Alla, and tomorrow they will condemn any other musician who left the country. The real Alla PugachevaKnown for her brave citizenship, she had every right to take a one-way ticket.

The real Alla Pugacheva "Alla Borisovna is such a well-deserved person that she can do anything. Leaving, coming, talking, not talking. To beat her? Who are we to say anything to Alla Borisovna Pugacheva? Who are we? That's my position. Moreover, no one has abolished freedom of movement. Where he wants, he lives there, said Cords in his personal blog. Bravo, we support Sergei.

In the Network, many praised Shnurov and picked up his initiative. Everyone wants to support their beloved Alla. Well done cords! Yes, a person lives where he likes to live. Man has the right not to participate in the general madness. It's a private matter. Alla Borisovna was never a gray mass, was never led. Due to her originality and strength, she became a talented, famous artist. Good luck to her family and children. A wise, intelligent woman, she once again proved her genius.” “Alla Pugacheva does not need protection. She's great, and that says it all. History will soon put everything in its place.” Alla Borisovna distinguishes black from white, calls things and people by their proper names.

Many are jealous of celebrities leaving the country. Everyone wants to leave, but not everyone can. There are circumstances that tie a person to the habitat very firmly. For example, caring for elderly parents, when it is impossible to take them with you. In addition, not everyone has enough financial resources to cheerfully wave a pen to their native lands from the window. The first thing to do in a difficult situation is to accept it. “I would go to heaven, I would go to heaven, I was here and I wasn’t there.” Dreams and baconic swings in the clouds will not help when difficult. First of all, you have to be honest with yourself.

Accepting the situation does not mean humbly lowering your head. You just do not need to avoid piling up problems, you need to look them in the eye. Acceptance does not mean accepting an unhappy life. When you see reality as it is, when you do not run away from it and deny what is happening, you have infinite potential to fight for your new life full of joy. Give up fighting where it doesn’t make sense. It is better to try and apply your energy effectively where you can. Make enough money to feed yourself. Be safe, at least relative. Learn to deal with your emotions.

The sooner you accept reality as it is, the more benefits you will have. You will be able to adapt to reality and survive by quickly adapting to the new situation. As long as we are alive, there is always hope, and acceptance helps us get out of life’s deadliest corners. They just seem hopeless. The end is when you throw the ground on a wooden lid and read a memorial service, and until then everything can be corrected. You need to find your own meaning of life now, what gives you hope, hope is inside every person, to look for it outside is an empty undertaking. As long as that source of hope works, you'll have the strength to handle anything. It’s time to listen to your inner voice.

It was not only Alla Pugacheva who chose Israel. Earlier we wrote about the stars fading into a warm country. By the way, Angelica Varum and Leonid Agutin are already there. We hope that they caress the rays of the friendly autumn sun and gentle sea waves. Strength and good health, dear reader. Thank you for staying with us!


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