Cord went into the traffic police
The Interior Ministry - a new colonel. And it looks suspiciously like a hooligan singer Sergei Shnurov. August 22 mustachioed man in a tunic vengeance gave orders to the traffic police in Novosibirsk region.
01.Novaya position literally transformed the rock hero. and the left and right of the image on-cord ёba!
The sudden appearance of a new commander is simple: Cord in the movie. Playing it is the boss who scolds his subordinates cops. Set - not the scenery, but the real traffic police premises.
02.Nastoyaschy Colonel!
- All present. Sergei present, and shape his present. It provided a deputy head of Denis Zhdanov, - says Alexei Tolochny, senior inspector of the regional department of propaganda STSI. About the artist he speaks only positively. - A man made a good impression. Calm, gentle, cultured ...
Character is - one. But the musician and externally unrecognizable. He put on his epaulettes with stars and literally transformed. Even the face was different. After all, the leader of the Novosibirsk group "Leningrad" and "ruble" came with a beard. But before shooting the police persuaded Shnurova get rid of the vegetation. Only left mustache. Because otherwise it would turn out not according to the ordinance.
03.Sergey literally Cords section deputy chief UGIBDD Denis Zhdanov (pictured left) who lent him their shape.
By the way, to learn manners in traffic police artist had to go. Indeed, in his life he does not stop for a single "depeesnik».
- I have no rights. I do not go driving. Therefore, the traffic cops for me - a mythical animal. I do not communicate with them - smiles cord. But then he adds that to get used to the role was not difficult. - Rock-a hero at home is little different from the astronaut and cosmonaut differs little from the Interior Ministry colonel.
Also Sergei Vladimirovich (uncomfortable to call Colonel no middle name), in the drama "inherent contradiction" starring actors of Novosibirsk theater and the real police.
04.Novosibirsky actor Yegor Ovechkin appeared with rocker in the same film.
Important role went to actor "First Theatre" Yegor Ovechkin. The guy is no stranger to playing guardian of the law. He has already played a trainee police officers in the film "Difficult age". Now, the artist can be said to have improved - he became an officer.
One of the female roles in the film went aspiring artist, the wife of the famous Novosibirsk millionaire Eugenia Kim. As the authors say, the role she is small, but it is literally a turning point for the plot.
The painting is dedicated to the traffic police, but not only the employees, but also their relationship to each other.
05.V film played Sergei Cords imperious officer.
Spectators waiting and chase and shooting ... But contrary to the rumors that go around the future of cinema, it will not be the gunman, and drama. In the center of the story - especially male friendship. One of the main characters to make a choice: go to jail or put to another.
With the script already familiar chief traffic inspector of the Novosibirsk region Sergei Shtelmakh. The plot includes a point where the police is presented in a negative light. Despite this, the head of traffic police shooting blessed.
- I think that this will be a big plus for the traffic police, because we want to show their hard work, everyday life, those moments and situations that occur on a daily basis with the staff of traffic police officers - said Sergey Viktorovich.
06.Po scenario Sergei Corded had to sit behind the wheel, but in the life of a rocker - a normal pedestrian.
- The idea of the film spawned a three-year continuous observation of the lives of officers of traffic police. Many episodes of our history literally "sketched" with life, but the story - the author. A number of characters have real prototypes - says the emergence of the idea of the director Peter savages. He hopes to showcase their work at one of the festivals in 2013.
07.Sergey cord with actor Andrew Black, who plays the title role in the film, and director Peter Dikareva. (The last photo and text)
01.Novaya position literally transformed the rock hero. and the left and right of the image on-cord ёba!

The sudden appearance of a new commander is simple: Cord in the movie. Playing it is the boss who scolds his subordinates cops. Set - not the scenery, but the real traffic police premises.
02.Nastoyaschy Colonel!

- All present. Sergei present, and shape his present. It provided a deputy head of Denis Zhdanov, - says Alexei Tolochny, senior inspector of the regional department of propaganda STSI. About the artist he speaks only positively. - A man made a good impression. Calm, gentle, cultured ...
Character is - one. But the musician and externally unrecognizable. He put on his epaulettes with stars and literally transformed. Even the face was different. After all, the leader of the Novosibirsk group "Leningrad" and "ruble" came with a beard. But before shooting the police persuaded Shnurova get rid of the vegetation. Only left mustache. Because otherwise it would turn out not according to the ordinance.
03.Sergey literally Cords section deputy chief UGIBDD Denis Zhdanov (pictured left) who lent him their shape.

By the way, to learn manners in traffic police artist had to go. Indeed, in his life he does not stop for a single "depeesnik».
- I have no rights. I do not go driving. Therefore, the traffic cops for me - a mythical animal. I do not communicate with them - smiles cord. But then he adds that to get used to the role was not difficult. - Rock-a hero at home is little different from the astronaut and cosmonaut differs little from the Interior Ministry colonel.
Also Sergei Vladimirovich (uncomfortable to call Colonel no middle name), in the drama "inherent contradiction" starring actors of Novosibirsk theater and the real police.
04.Novosibirsky actor Yegor Ovechkin appeared with rocker in the same film.

Important role went to actor "First Theatre" Yegor Ovechkin. The guy is no stranger to playing guardian of the law. He has already played a trainee police officers in the film "Difficult age". Now, the artist can be said to have improved - he became an officer.
One of the female roles in the film went aspiring artist, the wife of the famous Novosibirsk millionaire Eugenia Kim. As the authors say, the role she is small, but it is literally a turning point for the plot.
The painting is dedicated to the traffic police, but not only the employees, but also their relationship to each other.
05.V film played Sergei Cords imperious officer.

Spectators waiting and chase and shooting ... But contrary to the rumors that go around the future of cinema, it will not be the gunman, and drama. In the center of the story - especially male friendship. One of the main characters to make a choice: go to jail or put to another.
With the script already familiar chief traffic inspector of the Novosibirsk region Sergei Shtelmakh. The plot includes a point where the police is presented in a negative light. Despite this, the head of traffic police shooting blessed.
- I think that this will be a big plus for the traffic police, because we want to show their hard work, everyday life, those moments and situations that occur on a daily basis with the staff of traffic police officers - said Sergey Viktorovich.
06.Po scenario Sergei Corded had to sit behind the wheel, but in the life of a rocker - a normal pedestrian.

- The idea of the film spawned a three-year continuous observation of the lives of officers of traffic police. Many episodes of our history literally "sketched" with life, but the story - the author. A number of characters have real prototypes - says the emergence of the idea of the director Peter savages. He hopes to showcase their work at one of the festivals in 2013.
07.Sergey cord with actor Andrew Black, who plays the title role in the film, and director Peter Dikareva. (The last photo and text)
