This wonderful flower is necessary for every family and every home. And here's the reason.
pelargonia home (geranium) is a plant that was previously considered the flower of aristocrats. Its delightful lush flowers and bright color will be the decoration of any home.
But geranium is not just a beautiful flower. Its healing properties are difficult to overestimate. "Site" It will tell you exactly how to use this unpretentious plant. Note that all species of geranium without exception have medicinal.
Treatment of geranium
People say that this houseplant is able to respond to the disease of its owner. When a person is seriously ill, all types of geranium die in the house, except for red.
May this stunningly beautiful flower protect you, and don’t forget to share your health recipes with your friends!
But geranium is not just a beautiful flower. Its healing properties are difficult to overestimate. "Site" It will tell you exactly how to use this unpretentious plant. Note that all species of geranium without exception have medicinal.

Treatment of geranium
- For coughing Take 25 g of pelargonium leaves per liter of water and boil them for 10 minutes. Clothes with this liquid throat, and the symptoms of a cold as a hand relieves. The juice from the leaves of geranium can be buried in the nose to get rid of the common cold.
- Apply a geranium leaf to your wrist if you want to normalize blood pressure.
- When otitis, slightly break the geranium leaf to make the juice. Roll the leaf into a straw and place it in your ear overnight.
1970-1985 - To relieve toothache, apply the plant leaf to the tooth.
- Geranium secretes bactericidal substances that destroy staphylococcus, which provokes inflammatory diseases.
- Geranium essential oil has a beneficial effect on the skin, treats rashes and eczema.
- Gerani juice is possible. cataract early stages. Put the juice in your eyes and your eyes will improve.
- A compress of geranium leaves will relieve pain in osteochondrosis and radiculitis.
- Geranium is also used in cosmetology. Wash your head with a broth of geranium leaves. This will save you the problem of hair loss.
People say that this houseplant is able to respond to the disease of its owner. When a person is seriously ill, all types of geranium die in the house, except for red.
May this stunningly beautiful flower protect you, and don’t forget to share your health recipes with your friends!
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