Chinese doctor: Remember! Osteochondrosis does not like when ...

Pain is the last thing! Any condition accompanied by pain destroys nerve endings and brain cells. If you are experiencing an attack of pain, you need to take all possible measures to eliminate it: it is really harmful to the whole body. Also, it's so unpleasant!

"Site" offers you a complex of miracle exercises with analgesic effect. They are based on the main yoga poses and have a powerful effect. When I have backacheThat's the only way I escape.

How to get rid of the pain
  1. Baby pose
    It is used for pain in the back and hip joint, helps to relax the nervous system. Get on your knees, better do it on the floor. Lower your buttocks on your heels and reach forward, stretch your arms as far as possible, your palms should be turned down. Press your forehead against the floor and breathe as deeply as possible. 1 minute in this position is enough to make the pain much weaker!

  2. Position on the wall
    Relieves headache, tension in the shoulders and neck. It is recommended for those who have dizziness. Lie on your back near the wall, put your feet along the wall, and keep your hands on your stomach. Close your eyes, breathe smoothly and try to drive away all unnecessary thoughts. Just 5 minutes in this position will relieve tension from the neck and back, and the headache will disappear without a trace!

  3. Pussycat
    Used when the back hurts and there is any pain in the spine, removes muscleache. Stand on all fours, with straight hands rest on the floor, hold them on the width of the shoulders. Make sure that the spine is parallel to the floor, stretch the neck forward. Take a deep breath and rotate your torso down, pull your head up.

    Exhale and point your torso up, lower your head down. Move slowly, breathe deeply. Repeat that 10 times. If you feel a strain on your knees, put a soft mat under them.

  4. Twisting and stretching
    It helps well if the stomach hurts and there are digestive problems. Sit down, keep your back straight, your legs straight. Rot your left leg and start it by the straight right leg. Turn left, leaning on your left hand for balance. Breathe deeply, stay in this position for 30 seconds. Repeat the same thing with your right foot.

  5. Butterfly pose
    Effective for pain in the hip joint, relieves tension in the legs and knees. Sit down, keep your back straight. Put your feet together. Get your knees as low as possible to the floor. Hold this position for 2 minutes.

  6. Flower
    It is good to use when the lower back hurts, helps to get rid of clamps. Lie on your back in the T position, spread your hands wide to the sides. Pull your bent knees to your chest. Smoothly lower your knees to the side, without taking your shoulders off the floor. Stay in this position for 2 minutes and repeat with the other side.

  7. Flight up
    It helps when there is pain in the lower back, when the stomach or kidneys hurt. Lie on your back, put your hands on your sides. Bend your knees, fix your feet on the floor. Slowly raise and lower the pelvis to the floor, relaxing the lower back as much as possible. Repeat this exercise 10 times.

  8. Move forward
    Relieves menstrual pain in women, relieves jointache. Sit down, keep your right leg straight. Rot your left leg in your knee and press your feet against your right leg. Keep moving forward as slowly as possible. Stay in that position for 30 seconds. Repeat with your right foot.

  9. Total relaxation.
    Removes the feeling of tired legs, helps with pain in the calves. It is very useful to perform after wearing high heels. Cross your legs while standing. Go forward very smoothly, hold your hands in front of you, get them to the floor. Bending your left knee and holding your right leg straight. Freeze for 30 seconds in this position, repeat the same with the other leg.

Your body is an obedient instrument and will respond to your efforts immediately. Before drinking painkillers or using special ointments, do such a light exercise. You and your body will love it.

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