Reflections on why you should fly right away if friends are calling somewhere, catch the moment while there is a chance
Often life monotonous and boring. At least there is such a stereotype. With age, life orientations and interests change. There are fewer friends, and the desire to see someone may disappear. But why is this happening and is it worth fighting? I suggest discussing this topic in today’s article.
Writing this article I was inspired by a short story from the life of the famous actor Alexander Shirvindt. I share the original text of the story below and invite you to discuss it.
“For twenty consecutive years, I have been resting in Valdai, sitting stupidly with a fishing rod. Sasha Abdulov and Andriusha Makarevich built houses on the outskirts of Valdai. When Abdulov, with all his busyness, broke out there, there was a column of smoke.
One day he calls me halfway through the first night: “Uncle Shur, Andriushka has arrived, the guys are gathered, come to us.” I’m starting to say, Sasha, it’s night, I’m old. Next time it will be.”
I didn't take my ass off, I didn't. I never saw Sasha again. When someone is called, you must fly right away, which means that you risk never seeing each other again.”
And indeed, the older a person is, the more closed he becomes. Of course, that's not always the case. There are a lot of active and friendly old people. However, people of mature age often choose loneliness rather than noisy pastime in the company of friends. Why is this happening?
I think treating this as a problem would be wrong. After all, each of us has its own unique character, temperament and interests. Many people do not like to spend time in the company of other people, let alone elderly people. However, often this behavior is the result of certain difficulties faced by a person.
For example, not everyone easily accepts the fact that they age. This affects the emotional and mental state. The life of an old man becomes uninteresting and burdensome. It's like one endless groundhog day where you know exactly what you're going to do in the morning, afternoon and evening.
As a rule, such people are afraid of everything new. They live in their own world, where there is stability and confidence in the future. There was no place for joy or happiness. These feelings don’t just come into our lives. You can become truly happy surrounded by loved ones, things and activities. And if a person deprives himself of all this, he drowns in everyday routine and does not strive for anything.
Fortunately, there are other old people. They're cheerful and young at heart. That’s because they’ve been able to accept the fact that aging is a natural process. You can’t get away from it, because it’s so important to keep taking everything from life. Meet with friends, play your favorite games, read new modern books, watch movies and follow the list. It can go on indefinitely.
I sincerely admire grandparents, in whose eyes you can see a fervent light. They try to get maximum pleasure from life. And they're probably so good at it, because they all know that life isn't eternal.
In the story of Alexander Shirvindt, there is an idea that there is nothing good in total loneliness. And while a person will ignore friendly meetings with people close in spirit, these very people can never be seen alive. As horrible as that sounds, it's true.
Of course, that doesn’t mean you have to see your friends all the time and spend time with them like you’re 15 years old again. But it will not be superfluous to meet at least from time to time, making such gatherings a kind of tradition. There is something very symbolic and sweet about it.
I wonder what thought Shirvindt's story gave you? How often do you spend time with people close to you?

Writing this article I was inspired by a short story from the life of the famous actor Alexander Shirvindt. I share the original text of the story below and invite you to discuss it.

“For twenty consecutive years, I have been resting in Valdai, sitting stupidly with a fishing rod. Sasha Abdulov and Andriusha Makarevich built houses on the outskirts of Valdai. When Abdulov, with all his busyness, broke out there, there was a column of smoke.
One day he calls me halfway through the first night: “Uncle Shur, Andriushka has arrived, the guys are gathered, come to us.” I’m starting to say, Sasha, it’s night, I’m old. Next time it will be.”
I didn't take my ass off, I didn't. I never saw Sasha again. When someone is called, you must fly right away, which means that you risk never seeing each other again.”
And indeed, the older a person is, the more closed he becomes. Of course, that's not always the case. There are a lot of active and friendly old people. However, people of mature age often choose loneliness rather than noisy pastime in the company of friends. Why is this happening?

I think treating this as a problem would be wrong. After all, each of us has its own unique character, temperament and interests. Many people do not like to spend time in the company of other people, let alone elderly people. However, often this behavior is the result of certain difficulties faced by a person.
For example, not everyone easily accepts the fact that they age. This affects the emotional and mental state. The life of an old man becomes uninteresting and burdensome. It's like one endless groundhog day where you know exactly what you're going to do in the morning, afternoon and evening.

As a rule, such people are afraid of everything new. They live in their own world, where there is stability and confidence in the future. There was no place for joy or happiness. These feelings don’t just come into our lives. You can become truly happy surrounded by loved ones, things and activities. And if a person deprives himself of all this, he drowns in everyday routine and does not strive for anything.

Fortunately, there are other old people. They're cheerful and young at heart. That’s because they’ve been able to accept the fact that aging is a natural process. You can’t get away from it, because it’s so important to keep taking everything from life. Meet with friends, play your favorite games, read new modern books, watch movies and follow the list. It can go on indefinitely.
I sincerely admire grandparents, in whose eyes you can see a fervent light. They try to get maximum pleasure from life. And they're probably so good at it, because they all know that life isn't eternal.
In the story of Alexander Shirvindt, there is an idea that there is nothing good in total loneliness. And while a person will ignore friendly meetings with people close in spirit, these very people can never be seen alive. As horrible as that sounds, it's true.

Of course, that doesn’t mean you have to see your friends all the time and spend time with them like you’re 15 years old again. But it will not be superfluous to meet at least from time to time, making such gatherings a kind of tradition. There is something very symbolic and sweet about it.
I wonder what thought Shirvindt's story gave you? How often do you spend time with people close to you?
Having deceived his village wife, the husband threw her out of the house, but the reckoning did not keep itself waiting.
When I stick to my phone, I try to hold it properly so as not to get too much hassle.