When I stick to my phone, I try to hold it properly so as not to get too much hassle.
What happens when our handshake too long? Often it turns out that the gadget is always in one hand. We support the device with a little finger, while the thumb on autopilot flips through the endless news feed. But could it harm human hands? And if so, how exactly? Let's work it out together.
Peels Hand Holds Phone Hasten to assure all honorary hypochondriacs that so far no serious ailments have been recorded in this industry. The joints of the hands do not deform if you hold your favorite electronic devices for too long. However, substantial inconvenience An incorrect position of the hands can actually result.
You need to understand that excessive fascination with gadgets quite really delivers some inconvenience. Hands stiffen, fingers begin to hurt, slightly numb, if they are in one position for a long time. Moreover, on the Internet even appear photos of small dents that remained on the pads of the fingers from the phone.
Similar dents are formed from prolonged compression of a small area of soft tissue. For example, they can also be found on the fingers of schoolchildren who squeeze the pen too tightly in the process of writing. Over time. muscles regenerateSo it is not dangerous to human health.
Although, of course, all is well that in moderation. If you spend the lion’s share of the day with your phone, then fatigue of the limbs is guaranteed. It's good that this successfully resist. For example, look for reasonable alternatives or take frequent breaks.
Peels Hand Holds Phone Properly Try not only to use hands, but also supplementary. Of course, if it's appropriate. A popsocket will help perfectly - a small round support that is glued to the phone case. The popsocket can fold and unfold, allowing it to be used as a stand-alone stand. Or hold your phone by placing your index finger in a pop socket. Then the thumb and pinky can take a little rest.
One of the most accessible tips is to try to hold the device with both hands or an ignorant hand. Right-handed people can practice typing with their left hand and left-handed people with their right hand. Yes, this will not be easy at first, but it will definitely help to reduce the load on the working hand.
Control the time you spend with your smartphone. Even when it comes to reading a book and watching a movie. Put the phone down for a few minutes. pull over. These can be the simplest movements, but even they will help prevent leakage and numbness.
In general, such recommendations are useful not only for the hands and phone, but also for the whole body. Try it. limitThe one you dedicate to your smartphone. If possible, of course. For example, replace an e-book with a paper one and read it in the fresh air. Instead of text typing, use video or audio format.
When it comes to work involving a long time with a phone or computer, it’s a bit more complicated. Just put down the phone and go for a walk will not work. But pause I still have to. For example, five minutes every hour. This is enough to prevent the body from getting tired.
Peels A good idea can be the parallel use of the phone and laptop or tablet. Hands and eyes will need to adjust to different keyboards or displays, which will not allow them to stay in the same position for too long. In addition, it will never be superfluous to do a little warm-up or look for gymnastics Hands and fingers.

Peels Hand Holds Phone Hasten to assure all honorary hypochondriacs that so far no serious ailments have been recorded in this industry. The joints of the hands do not deform if you hold your favorite electronic devices for too long. However, substantial inconvenience An incorrect position of the hands can actually result.
You need to understand that excessive fascination with gadgets quite really delivers some inconvenience. Hands stiffen, fingers begin to hurt, slightly numb, if they are in one position for a long time. Moreover, on the Internet even appear photos of small dents that remained on the pads of the fingers from the phone.

Similar dents are formed from prolonged compression of a small area of soft tissue. For example, they can also be found on the fingers of schoolchildren who squeeze the pen too tightly in the process of writing. Over time. muscles regenerateSo it is not dangerous to human health.
Although, of course, all is well that in moderation. If you spend the lion’s share of the day with your phone, then fatigue of the limbs is guaranteed. It's good that this successfully resist. For example, look for reasonable alternatives or take frequent breaks.

Peels Hand Holds Phone Properly Try not only to use hands, but also supplementary. Of course, if it's appropriate. A popsocket will help perfectly - a small round support that is glued to the phone case. The popsocket can fold and unfold, allowing it to be used as a stand-alone stand. Or hold your phone by placing your index finger in a pop socket. Then the thumb and pinky can take a little rest.
One of the most accessible tips is to try to hold the device with both hands or an ignorant hand. Right-handed people can practice typing with their left hand and left-handed people with their right hand. Yes, this will not be easy at first, but it will definitely help to reduce the load on the working hand.

Control the time you spend with your smartphone. Even when it comes to reading a book and watching a movie. Put the phone down for a few minutes. pull over. These can be the simplest movements, but even they will help prevent leakage and numbness.

In general, such recommendations are useful not only for the hands and phone, but also for the whole body. Try it. limitThe one you dedicate to your smartphone. If possible, of course. For example, replace an e-book with a paper one and read it in the fresh air. Instead of text typing, use video or audio format.
When it comes to work involving a long time with a phone or computer, it’s a bit more complicated. Just put down the phone and go for a walk will not work. But pause I still have to. For example, five minutes every hour. This is enough to prevent the body from getting tired.

Peels A good idea can be the parallel use of the phone and laptop or tablet. Hands and eyes will need to adjust to different keyboards or displays, which will not allow them to stay in the same position for too long. In addition, it will never be superfluous to do a little warm-up or look for gymnastics Hands and fingers.
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