Why Soviet schoolchildren regularly went to work in the collective farm
The school in Soviet times resembled modern educational institutions, but there were differences. Unfortunately, many of those whose childhood was spent in Soviet times, They like to idealize that period.. Such people are slightly conservative and often react poorly to any innovations. Even if these innovations are based on years of work of child psychologists.
School in Soviet times “It used to be better”, “now everything is not at all the same”, “now they are educating incorrectly...” These phrases are often heard from the older generation. Young and inexperienced, such words are very annoying. However, People who know a little about people.You know where your feet grow in this relationship.
People in their 60s admire Soviet times not because they were really better. They just grew up in those days. The Soviet school was native to them. That is why it is difficult to objectively assess its disadvantages and advantages. At all times, schooling was far from ideal. The Soviet era is no exception to this rule.
Instagram / @zolotye__70s Many enthusiastically tell how children used to be actively taught to work with young nails. This work is put on a pedestal is unclear for what reasons. What is so good about physical work? Activity that is good for the body? Working in the dust in the sun is hardly more useful than a sports run or a walk in the woods.
Instagram / @dzhelouz Now few people want to do physical labor in life. This is not surprising, because such work does not bring too high income. Then why teach the children to him? Some people say it's It instills autonomy and responsibility. But these concepts have nothing to do with Soviet forced subbotniks or the cleaning of classrooms.
Instagram / @almitrofanov Responsibility and autonomy are nurtured differently. For example, we teach children. Always remember the consequences of your actions.. We teach them, before doing anything else, to imagine that the same action will be directed at them. Always do to others as you would have them do to you. Try to understand others by putting yourself in their place. Do not judge or criticize unless you are asked to do so.
Instagram / @marinetta3 Life Wisdom and Editorial Advice A person who has a good understanding of his psychology and worked through his inner problems is truly mature and responsible. And those Who refuses to see anything other than his point of viewIt is far from true maturity, independence and responsibility.
Real independence and maturity lies in the ability to be flexible. The flexibility of thinking and thinking moves this world forward. Those people who Ready to give up the good old pastSeeing that there is something much better and more progressive, will always be ahead of those who can not leave this past because of banal nostalgia.
There is nothing wrong with loving and respecting your past. However, it is important to understand that it is only for you. Do not impose your opinion on everyone else. It is also worth thinking carefully about what is better: to go forward, develop and be happy. stuck in nostalgia for the time gone forever.
School in Soviet times “It used to be better”, “now everything is not at all the same”, “now they are educating incorrectly...” These phrases are often heard from the older generation. Young and inexperienced, such words are very annoying. However, People who know a little about people.You know where your feet grow in this relationship.

People in their 60s admire Soviet times not because they were really better. They just grew up in those days. The Soviet school was native to them. That is why it is difficult to objectively assess its disadvantages and advantages. At all times, schooling was far from ideal. The Soviet era is no exception to this rule.

Instagram / @zolotye__70s Many enthusiastically tell how children used to be actively taught to work with young nails. This work is put on a pedestal is unclear for what reasons. What is so good about physical work? Activity that is good for the body? Working in the dust in the sun is hardly more useful than a sports run or a walk in the woods.

Instagram / @dzhelouz Now few people want to do physical labor in life. This is not surprising, because such work does not bring too high income. Then why teach the children to him? Some people say it's It instills autonomy and responsibility. But these concepts have nothing to do with Soviet forced subbotniks or the cleaning of classrooms.

Instagram / @almitrofanov Responsibility and autonomy are nurtured differently. For example, we teach children. Always remember the consequences of your actions.. We teach them, before doing anything else, to imagine that the same action will be directed at them. Always do to others as you would have them do to you. Try to understand others by putting yourself in their place. Do not judge or criticize unless you are asked to do so.

Instagram / @marinetta3 Life Wisdom and Editorial Advice A person who has a good understanding of his psychology and worked through his inner problems is truly mature and responsible. And those Who refuses to see anything other than his point of viewIt is far from true maturity, independence and responsibility.

Real independence and maturity lies in the ability to be flexible. The flexibility of thinking and thinking moves this world forward. Those people who Ready to give up the good old pastSeeing that there is something much better and more progressive, will always be ahead of those who can not leave this past because of banal nostalgia.
There is nothing wrong with loving and respecting your past. However, it is important to understand that it is only for you. Do not impose your opinion on everyone else. It is also worth thinking carefully about what is better: to go forward, develop and be happy. stuck in nostalgia for the time gone forever.
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