Can there be a harmonious couple in which a man is lower than a woman?

Is it bad in a relationship? female? I believe that such a small thing should not interfere with people, if they really love each other. However, psychologists believe that the difference in height has a special meaning. According to statistics, brave young people often look at tall girls. They may be on their head down. Why this happens, we will try to understand further in the article.

Instagram / @nicolekidman There is a stereotype that men with short stature complex because of this. Therefore, the lady of the heart is chosen so as not to look at her from the bottom up. However, psychologists and other experts say that many, on the contrary, like it. Moreover, there is a certain classification of such men. Conventionally, they are divided into 3 types depending on the reasons why they choose themselves as companions of tall ladies.

The first group includes men who see their mother in their partner or at least want to see her. So they behave accordingly. The behavior of heels is typical, it manifests the Oedipus complex, from which some men suffer. However, such relationships can be quite organic, as the girl eventually adapts to her role and feels comfortable in it.

They say that you can assess the status of a man just by looking at his woman. We do not support this, but this expression perfectly describes the position of men who belong to the second group. They see the companion as a trophy, a personal property. And the higher it is, the more attractive it seems in the eyes of others. Like, since the long-legged beauty agreed to date the short, then he really is worth something.

Instagram / @enikohart In fact, the situation is often exactly the opposite. Experts say that this type of person needs psychological help. It is not always possible to cope with your problems and complexes alone. And it is much easier to hide from them behind a tall and beautiful lady.

The third group includes men who lose their heads to tall women on some animal level. In other words, it is a kind of fetish. A person can have excellent self-esteem. He feels confident and can like any girl. But it attracts only high, and nothing can be done.

No matter what group a man belongs to, his relationship with a woman can develop both successfully and unsuccessfully. And it is no longer in height, but in human qualities, deeds and words. True, centimeters can play into the hand, if a woman is crazy about short men. In the modern world, this is called the “perfect spot.”

If short men often do not mind meeting with tall women, then they just do not want to get the status of a dalda against the background of their favorite short. Many people still think in stereotypes. Like, the higher the brave good man, the stronger and more successful he is. So it's safe next to him. But growth is not synonymous with masculinity. How do you know if you are facing the same man?

Psychologists recommend getting to know a person better. If he stands firmly on his feet, can provide for himself and is on a good account with colleagues, acquaintances and friends, most likely, he does not have complexes associated with growth. But, in general, this topic can simply be quietly discussed, so as not to become a victim of toxic relationships in the future.

In the world of domestic and foreign show business there are a huge number of couples who prove: A man shorter than a woman is normal.. For example, Cameron Diaz and Benji Madden, Carla Bruni and Nicolas Sarkozy, as well as many others. You can see their photos in our article.

Tell me, how do you feel about the big height difference when it comes to love relationships? Boldly share your point of view in the comments!

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