Do you need to pay a discount if you are an English teacher?
Every work must be rewarded. But some people do not want to understand this. And naively believe that if they have a family or any other relationship with a person, he will do them a favor simply for “thank you.” And the sister of the husband of our heroine today for some reason decided that a relative is free English tutor for her baby. Can you understand that?
Free English tutor: My husband has an older sister. After the wedding, Koley and I lived with his mother, but then we had to move into a rented apartment. The fact is that the husband’s sister divorced and decided to return to her mother with the child. There was not enough space for everyone, so Kolya decided that we would move out and live separately, Ksenia wrote.
“It was not easy, but we worked hard and even saved money for our own housing. I am an English teacher and I am very good at other subjects. Salaries are small, so I had to do tutoring. There was almost no free time, but what to do.
“The son of Colina’s sister is accustomed from an early age to the fact that everyone around him runs, that he is always given the best, pampered and praised. Mom and grandmother did everything so that Misha was shoed and dressed, so that on his plate there were always fresh fruits and vegetables, a piece of meat or fish. The best toys were also included. It is not surprising that he could not and did not want to make his own efforts. That's why I studied extremely poorly.” “
A relative knew that I was working as a tutor, and asked me to study with her offspring. I initially reacted to this idea coolly, because I saw that studying a guy is completely uninteresting. I know from experience that in such cases it is naive to hope for a sharp increase in academic performance. If the child does not want to learn, no teacher will make him an excellent student.”
“My husband’s sister insisted, and I felt uncomfortable refusing, so I agreed. And since we're related, I decided to only charge half the price for my tutoring services. Of course, I would be better off working with other, more diligent and capable children. I would make more money, and my nerves would be better.
We had a bad experience with Misha for 5 months. He took up his studies reluctantly, often skipped our classes, citing either poor health or lack of time after school. Class plans had to be constantly rewritten. I’ve worked hard just to close his gaps in knowledge in my previous years of study. It was hard. And I even regretted that I agreed to it.”
“As a result, Misha received low scores in the exams. It was expected for me, but for his mother it was an unpleasant surprise. She came and said that I did not do my job well, so the money should be returned to her.”
“I felt very hurt. I spent so much time, energy and nerves in these 5 months. Really pulled up Misha and in English, and even in mathematics. I’ve tried harder than any other child, and I’m not grateful. Now the money will have to be returned, so as not to spoil relations with relatives. And you need to return a tangible amount. Is that right?' Xenia resented.
It was probably a bad idea to start with a child who has no ability or motivation. Now it will only be necessary to draw the right conclusions from this situation in order to avoid such mistakes in the future. After all, even a discount should not be done, not that the money is now returned. The work was done, time wasted. Why does all this have to be free?
Free English tutor: My husband has an older sister. After the wedding, Koley and I lived with his mother, but then we had to move into a rented apartment. The fact is that the husband’s sister divorced and decided to return to her mother with the child. There was not enough space for everyone, so Kolya decided that we would move out and live separately, Ksenia wrote.
“It was not easy, but we worked hard and even saved money for our own housing. I am an English teacher and I am very good at other subjects. Salaries are small, so I had to do tutoring. There was almost no free time, but what to do.
“The son of Colina’s sister is accustomed from an early age to the fact that everyone around him runs, that he is always given the best, pampered and praised. Mom and grandmother did everything so that Misha was shoed and dressed, so that on his plate there were always fresh fruits and vegetables, a piece of meat or fish. The best toys were also included. It is not surprising that he could not and did not want to make his own efforts. That's why I studied extremely poorly.” “
A relative knew that I was working as a tutor, and asked me to study with her offspring. I initially reacted to this idea coolly, because I saw that studying a guy is completely uninteresting. I know from experience that in such cases it is naive to hope for a sharp increase in academic performance. If the child does not want to learn, no teacher will make him an excellent student.”
“My husband’s sister insisted, and I felt uncomfortable refusing, so I agreed. And since we're related, I decided to only charge half the price for my tutoring services. Of course, I would be better off working with other, more diligent and capable children. I would make more money, and my nerves would be better.
We had a bad experience with Misha for 5 months. He took up his studies reluctantly, often skipped our classes, citing either poor health or lack of time after school. Class plans had to be constantly rewritten. I’ve worked hard just to close his gaps in knowledge in my previous years of study. It was hard. And I even regretted that I agreed to it.”
“As a result, Misha received low scores in the exams. It was expected for me, but for his mother it was an unpleasant surprise. She came and said that I did not do my job well, so the money should be returned to her.”
“I felt very hurt. I spent so much time, energy and nerves in these 5 months. Really pulled up Misha and in English, and even in mathematics. I’ve tried harder than any other child, and I’m not grateful. Now the money will have to be returned, so as not to spoil relations with relatives. And you need to return a tangible amount. Is that right?' Xenia resented.
It was probably a bad idea to start with a child who has no ability or motivation. Now it will only be necessary to draw the right conclusions from this situation in order to avoid such mistakes in the future. After all, even a discount should not be done, not that the money is now returned. The work was done, time wasted. Why does all this have to be free?
I urge my husband to share chores around the house, and he desperately resists.
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