It is a common fashion to throw away old crystal, but do not rush, it still has a future.
Everyone remembers Soviet crystal. Transparent, weighty and valuable in every apartment of Soviet times. With the advent of cheaper alternatives, crystal was not in honor. The younger generation sees it as impractical and outdated. But there are those who disagree with this statement. In their opinion, crystal is still ahead.
Previously, not every citizen could afford crystal. Instead of one crystal vessel, you could buy a huge number of products, or even several good books. And then such acquisitions (which often acted as chic gifts) were considered not only a luxury, but also a contribution to the future. After all, crystal glasses, salad bowls and other dishes were intended for special days. It was a holiday when the whole family gathered at the same table.
Peels Over time, the crystal dishes became uncomfortable. It became more of an element of decor in grandmother's service than a practical thing. After all, a heavy salad bowl is sometimes just laziness. And why such a luxury in the family? In addition, crystal needs special care. And even standard washing is contraindicated. As hot water makes the crystal dull.
In order for the crystal to retain its original shine and transparency, it should first be gently washed with warm water with detergent (while using only the soft side of the sponge). And then rinse with a solution of water and vinegar. Thus, the crystal will not fade and will continue to please the eye of the hostess and guests.
Despite the fact that among young people, crystal is not very popular, foreigners show considerable interest in this type of glass. This can be seen during the research of ads on the Internet.
Thanks to similar searches, it will also become clear that these days, crystal is more than available to everyone. And if before you had to save money for a chandelier or glasses, now going to the supermarket for food will be more expensive.
Observing current trends, rapid price growth and the expected shortage of goods in stores, many representatives of the younger generation will finally understand the love of older people for crystal. Since the purchases made many years ago for the future will finally pay off.
If earlier grandmother's service was perceived as a relic of the past, now for some families it may be the only acceptable alternative to broken dishes. Families will once again start gathering and drinking from crystal glasses, New Year's Olivier will be served in transparent salad bowls. And above the heads will hang a crystal chandelier, whose crystals, when collided, will create a pleasant and so familiar ringing.
Someone in the future may remain with his opinion, considering crystal useless luxury, which has no use. But others will show more respect and understanding for seniors. Because they will understand that the shelf life of crystal does not exist. And these glass products have a future.
Peels Editorial Board Any good dishes have value. It doesn’t matter what the code is made of. The main thing is that it serves and benefits its owner. However, crystal products have always been and will be a special asset in any home. There are so many stories, memories and expectations associated with it. And it seems that this is not the end of the history of special glass.

Previously, not every citizen could afford crystal. Instead of one crystal vessel, you could buy a huge number of products, or even several good books. And then such acquisitions (which often acted as chic gifts) were considered not only a luxury, but also a contribution to the future. After all, crystal glasses, salad bowls and other dishes were intended for special days. It was a holiday when the whole family gathered at the same table.

Peels Over time, the crystal dishes became uncomfortable. It became more of an element of decor in grandmother's service than a practical thing. After all, a heavy salad bowl is sometimes just laziness. And why such a luxury in the family? In addition, crystal needs special care. And even standard washing is contraindicated. As hot water makes the crystal dull.

In order for the crystal to retain its original shine and transparency, it should first be gently washed with warm water with detergent (while using only the soft side of the sponge). And then rinse with a solution of water and vinegar. Thus, the crystal will not fade and will continue to please the eye of the hostess and guests.
Despite the fact that among young people, crystal is not very popular, foreigners show considerable interest in this type of glass. This can be seen during the research of ads on the Internet.

Thanks to similar searches, it will also become clear that these days, crystal is more than available to everyone. And if before you had to save money for a chandelier or glasses, now going to the supermarket for food will be more expensive.
Observing current trends, rapid price growth and the expected shortage of goods in stores, many representatives of the younger generation will finally understand the love of older people for crystal. Since the purchases made many years ago for the future will finally pay off.

If earlier grandmother's service was perceived as a relic of the past, now for some families it may be the only acceptable alternative to broken dishes. Families will once again start gathering and drinking from crystal glasses, New Year's Olivier will be served in transparent salad bowls. And above the heads will hang a crystal chandelier, whose crystals, when collided, will create a pleasant and so familiar ringing.
Someone in the future may remain with his opinion, considering crystal useless luxury, which has no use. But others will show more respect and understanding for seniors. Because they will understand that the shelf life of crystal does not exist. And these glass products have a future.

Peels Editorial Board Any good dishes have value. It doesn’t matter what the code is made of. The main thing is that it serves and benefits its owner. However, crystal products have always been and will be a special asset in any home. There are so many stories, memories and expectations associated with it. And it seems that this is not the end of the history of special glass.
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