Japanese test for visual acuity and attention to detail, most people can not find all objects

Observation allows us to notice important properties of people and surrounding objects. This helps to assess the situation more accurately and make the right decisions. “A good eye is a profitable business,” said the Russian writer Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky. To not only look, but also see, to become more receptive to what is happening, you need to train a lot. Where to start? First, find the hidden objects in our picture.

So, we have a funny picture from the life of a friendly hare family. Mom-bunny pours soup on plates, children help her, and dad fiddles in the garden.

It doesn't look like much. But somewhere here cleverly hidden 5 items: envelope, bird, shoe, butterfly and snake.


We arranged them in order of increasing complexity. Almost everyone finds the envelope, but only the most observant ones find the snake. To be honest, I didn’t find it myself until I was told. You have a minute and 30 seconds for everything. If you're ready, go ahead!

The interpretation of the results of the Observation of the lucky ones who found all 5 items can only be envied. You can immediately see that the brains of our winners perfectly perceive visual images.

3-4 subjects is not bad either. You pay attention to small details and actively analyze what you see. However, it does not hurt to be a little more attentive.

1-2 items is a satisfactory result. Try to focus so you don’t miss anything important. If you can’t find anything, it’s time to train your brain. It can’t handle simple logical tasks. Most likely, you yourself noticed that you have become distracted and often distracted.

The envelope is easiest to find, it is on the chest of a hare. The white bird is placed against the background of a black pot. Look for a shoe between the table leg and the basket. The butterfly hid under the owner's right hand.

And the snake warmed up ... let's say, not far from the food. I do not write more in detail, so as not to spoil your pleasure from a self-solved task. Find the shit yourself, if you can. And another bonus assignment. Some people claim to have seen a fork, banana and a glass in the drawing. To be honest, I doubt the veracity of such claims. But if you can find these mythical objects, be sure to share with our readers the information!


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