High-quality and easy-to-use means for rapid disinfection

Any room needs regular surface treatment with the help of special means that free it from harmful microorganisms and eliminate pollution. Unlike classic detergents, which are diluted with water and take a long time to bring them to a usable state, the rapid disinfection products offered by Lysoform are already ready for use by either spraying or applying to the treated surface in another way.

Attractive advantages
Fast disinfection products from the company "Lizoform", offering its customers reliable products of well-known brands: Diversey and Domestos, Bilyzna and Sun, Blanidas and Taski, Cif and Vermop, SURE and Kreussler, Dove and Clax, Suma and Lape, have a number of advantages, consisting in:
- high efficiency due, among other things, to the presence of alcohols in their composition, contributing to express cleaning of surfaces;
- readiness for immediate use;
- No need to wash them with water or soap;
- convenient operation, thanks to their sale with sprayers.
Wide range of applications
Offered "Lizoform" ready-made disinfectant solutions are widely used not only in rooms with a significant number of people, that is, in catering places, fitness clubs, shopping centers, schools, medical institutions, kindergartens, etc., but also in private homes and apartments. Moreover, they do not contain chlorine in their composition, which allows them to be used, even for cleaning the surfaces of children's rooms. The finished disinfectant can be applied to a cloth, a special napkin or directly to the treated surface with its subsequent wiping.
Fluids for rapid disinfection are used in cleaning:
- walls and floors;
- furniture;
- doorknobs;
- medical equipment;
- household appliances, etc.
Undeniable preference
Long-term customers, both ordinary consumers and large representatives of cleaning companies, medical infrastructure, food production, hotel and restaurant business, have been convinced of the advantages of cooperation with Lysoform, which consist in:
- high quality of the proposed disinfectants, as well as professional chemicals, harvesting equipment;
- certification of all products offered;
- Adequacy of prices and availability of permanent discounts;
- Flexible delivery conditions.
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