The beneficial use of such advertising structure as a press Wall?

What the press Wall, everyone knows who has ever encountered a little during his life and work with the outdoor advertising. In essence, the press Wall, or as they are sometimes called, Wall brand, are widely used to process various events. Normally printing press Walla performed on banner cloth, and placed on it (mostly) logos of companies that are the organizers, sponsors and partners of the event.
What is the main task of the press Walla?
In most cases, this construction serves as a backdrop for visitors to the event. In various large events often invited photographers and television reporters. That is, execution venue with the help of the press Walla - it is also a chance for us to remind myself, to demonstrate their corporate colors and elements of the corporate identity, we can say it is an additional way for self-promotion.
What the press Wall to choose?
It depends on the activities for which the decoration has been installed, as well as the purpose for which it was made. If you are not sure which one to choose Press Wall, refer the matter to the experts. Wall kinds of press in our time there are so many. Specialists will be able to better understand what the press is most profitable Wall solve your problem. Press oxen come from the heavy and difficult to very light and collapsible. The material that is stretched on the frame can also vary. Incidentally, lightweight design - it is not always the best option. Imagine yourself: it is very easy to drop. And if the event takes place on the street, or even any wind or a sudden it started to rain put a beautiful view of the structure under threat. Therefore, if you have this opportunity, opt for thorough high quality design. They should have reliable fastening of cloth, and the construction itself should be as stable.
It is very important when selecting a press Walla to pay attention to its size. If it is too small, it will only cause negative photographers, and you will be profitable. Thus, ordering a press - Wall, keep in mind the place where he stands, and the maximum growth of the people who stand next to him (at least approximately).
Remember that the kinds of news - a lot of oxen. In particular, in the magic atmosphere of your evening will add news - oxen with backlight. Photographed with these will be even nicer.