The groom on the eve of the wedding decided to send the bride SMS on behalf of the ex, the girl’s response forced him to shave his head from excess feelings
What happens in the head of a young man who learns that his beloved and dearbride cheated him with someone else? We guarantee nothing good. Rage, hormones, instantly getting into the blood, anger and resentment. Sometimes it all ends tragically enough.
Only a few people can pull themselves together, calm down and think: “Why am I so nervous?” Who's better off than that? The past cannot be returned and time cannot be reversed. This has happened millions of times in our history. And unfortunately, it will happen again. So why get mad?
The bride changed Gena was never a guy with perfect looks or a bag of money behind him. A simple boy from the periphery, knew what the pound was about, but was respected among his peers. But let’s not stick labels: yes, the young man did not seek to impersonate some smart guy, always said directly what he thinks. But he was not stupid and never hurt anyone weaker than he was. That was a principled position.
From a young age, he was bustling in the garage, learning to repair cars. In the evening - sports, walks in the fresh air, sometimes even jogging. That’s why the style of clothing in Gena was sporty, and on the head neat 3 millimeters of hair, “so that no one could grab hold.” Half of the money from work went to his parents. The remaining funds went to personal needs.
Yulka, his neighbor, fell in love with a guy at the age of 16. But Genato was 2 years older and all the flirtations of the minor answered equally prosaically: “so that I do not see and hear this again.” It is clear why, because he was in love with Katya, a girl from the parallel class. Smart, beautiful, the daughter of rich parents and the owner of the longest hair in the area. It was a lifelong dream.
And eventually he came to her. The reason for the rapprochement of young people was a loud break with Katya ex-boyfriend. After that, the offended young man often met Catherine at her entrance and tried to find out the relationship. Gene, who heard about it from the corner of his ear, decided to help the girl, and at the same time earn a little attention for himself. This will result in two things: the first date of Gena and Katya, and a few bruises on the face of Peti, Katina’s former admirer.
What started out as simple nonsense turned into a serious relationship. At first it was difficult: Gene could not pamper her companion with expensive gifts or trips to cafes. But his charisma worked for two. He made Katya laugh like no one else. Despite their social differences, the young people’s tastes were similar in many ways. At first, Katya did not pay attention to this, but then she realized that she fell in love.
It's been 6 years. Lovers grew up and changed. Katin’s father tried and arranged his daughter for a very promising job. Despite the fact that she was still officially studying, the girl could not even come to couples at the institute, everything was already decided in advance. The gene changed, too. He realized that the elders who taught him in the garage how to drive cars were not very wealthy themselves. They spend all the time in the garage, why?
Then he became friends with some Katina friends and tried himself in programming. I borrowed money, went to the courses and began to study the subject thoroughly. Money, success, great life. You think it all fell on his head right away? I don't think so. A good gene expert never came out. But the salary was still quite high by the standards of the city. Higher than his previous teachers.
The young man began to buy himself good things, began to save for a car, Katya even advised him a good hairdresser, so that yesterday’s athlete from the outskirts was not recognized. Piejon, neither give nor take.
As time passed, Gena decided to take the most important step. I bought a ring. He even came up with a place where he would give it, a speech and the rest, in detail. We had to act. According to the plan, he had to wait a few more days. He once told his friend about the news, but he advised Gena to make one thing before such an important step. It will not take much time, but it will help to understand the situation.
At X-hour, Gena wrote to his fiancée with an extraneous SIM on behalf of another man. In fact, he didn't even mention a name. I just wrote, "Hi, it's me." I decided not to write to you from my number. Let's meet, I miss you so much. I wrote the address. To himself, he smiled quietly and rubbed his hands: now Katya will come from work and begin to ask him what these tricks are. He's a ring right under her nose!
But Katya came in a bad mood. She had a toothache, so she had to go to the doctor. Leaving bags of groceries, she changed clothes, took a shower and went to the doctor. Gene didn't even believe it right away. But he overcame himself and soon took a taxi, heading to his own address. He hid behind a small stall and waited.
That's right, Katya arrived in a few minutes. I walked a few steps, stopped and started calling someone. But someone didn't pick up. The girl looked around, looking for a familiar face. Her beautiful eyes tripled when a familiar face came out of the newsstand and headed in her direction.
Even in this situation, Gene maintained inner calm. Although he had a fire inside. Katya didn't even say no. Turns out so. It has been a year since that same Petya, and now Petr Sergeevich, a successful manager, reappeared in her life. He's already doing well. He doesn't need prospects. She doesn't want losers. When Katya heard about the ring, she smiled: she had known about it for a long time. I accidentally found it on a shelf in Gene's desk. She is not going to leave the apartment, so Gennady has to move out within two days.
Things were collected that evening. Well, parents have an apartment, although Khrushchev, but there is always an extra room. A couple of days the man did not find a place and rushed from side to side. I took time off from work. But the final decision came by itself: we need to play sports again. The belly is already very visible. In the evening, there is nothing to do.
He even shaved off his fashionable haircut: his head warmed very much, the gel constantly flowed, and sweat filled his eyes. It turned out, without constant romantic gifts to his second half, the money was enough even to help his parents again and even save something. The gene started from scratch. But his soul was no longer scraped by cats, he knew that in the near future the wind could change and his affairs would surely go uphill.

Only a few people can pull themselves together, calm down and think: “Why am I so nervous?” Who's better off than that? The past cannot be returned and time cannot be reversed. This has happened millions of times in our history. And unfortunately, it will happen again. So why get mad?
The bride changed Gena was never a guy with perfect looks or a bag of money behind him. A simple boy from the periphery, knew what the pound was about, but was respected among his peers. But let’s not stick labels: yes, the young man did not seek to impersonate some smart guy, always said directly what he thinks. But he was not stupid and never hurt anyone weaker than he was. That was a principled position.
From a young age, he was bustling in the garage, learning to repair cars. In the evening - sports, walks in the fresh air, sometimes even jogging. That’s why the style of clothing in Gena was sporty, and on the head neat 3 millimeters of hair, “so that no one could grab hold.” Half of the money from work went to his parents. The remaining funds went to personal needs.

Yulka, his neighbor, fell in love with a guy at the age of 16. But Genato was 2 years older and all the flirtations of the minor answered equally prosaically: “so that I do not see and hear this again.” It is clear why, because he was in love with Katya, a girl from the parallel class. Smart, beautiful, the daughter of rich parents and the owner of the longest hair in the area. It was a lifelong dream.
And eventually he came to her. The reason for the rapprochement of young people was a loud break with Katya ex-boyfriend. After that, the offended young man often met Catherine at her entrance and tried to find out the relationship. Gene, who heard about it from the corner of his ear, decided to help the girl, and at the same time earn a little attention for himself. This will result in two things: the first date of Gena and Katya, and a few bruises on the face of Peti, Katina’s former admirer.
What started out as simple nonsense turned into a serious relationship. At first it was difficult: Gene could not pamper her companion with expensive gifts or trips to cafes. But his charisma worked for two. He made Katya laugh like no one else. Despite their social differences, the young people’s tastes were similar in many ways. At first, Katya did not pay attention to this, but then she realized that she fell in love.

It's been 6 years. Lovers grew up and changed. Katin’s father tried and arranged his daughter for a very promising job. Despite the fact that she was still officially studying, the girl could not even come to couples at the institute, everything was already decided in advance. The gene changed, too. He realized that the elders who taught him in the garage how to drive cars were not very wealthy themselves. They spend all the time in the garage, why?
Then he became friends with some Katina friends and tried himself in programming. I borrowed money, went to the courses and began to study the subject thoroughly. Money, success, great life. You think it all fell on his head right away? I don't think so. A good gene expert never came out. But the salary was still quite high by the standards of the city. Higher than his previous teachers.
The young man began to buy himself good things, began to save for a car, Katya even advised him a good hairdresser, so that yesterday’s athlete from the outskirts was not recognized. Piejon, neither give nor take.

As time passed, Gena decided to take the most important step. I bought a ring. He even came up with a place where he would give it, a speech and the rest, in detail. We had to act. According to the plan, he had to wait a few more days. He once told his friend about the news, but he advised Gena to make one thing before such an important step. It will not take much time, but it will help to understand the situation.
At X-hour, Gena wrote to his fiancée with an extraneous SIM on behalf of another man. In fact, he didn't even mention a name. I just wrote, "Hi, it's me." I decided not to write to you from my number. Let's meet, I miss you so much. I wrote the address. To himself, he smiled quietly and rubbed his hands: now Katya will come from work and begin to ask him what these tricks are. He's a ring right under her nose!
But Katya came in a bad mood. She had a toothache, so she had to go to the doctor. Leaving bags of groceries, she changed clothes, took a shower and went to the doctor. Gene didn't even believe it right away. But he overcame himself and soon took a taxi, heading to his own address. He hid behind a small stall and waited.

That's right, Katya arrived in a few minutes. I walked a few steps, stopped and started calling someone. But someone didn't pick up. The girl looked around, looking for a familiar face. Her beautiful eyes tripled when a familiar face came out of the newsstand and headed in her direction.
Even in this situation, Gene maintained inner calm. Although he had a fire inside. Katya didn't even say no. Turns out so. It has been a year since that same Petya, and now Petr Sergeevich, a successful manager, reappeared in her life. He's already doing well. He doesn't need prospects. She doesn't want losers. When Katya heard about the ring, she smiled: she had known about it for a long time. I accidentally found it on a shelf in Gene's desk. She is not going to leave the apartment, so Gennady has to move out within two days.
Things were collected that evening. Well, parents have an apartment, although Khrushchev, but there is always an extra room. A couple of days the man did not find a place and rushed from side to side. I took time off from work. But the final decision came by itself: we need to play sports again. The belly is already very visible. In the evening, there is nothing to do.

He even shaved off his fashionable haircut: his head warmed very much, the gel constantly flowed, and sweat filled his eyes. It turned out, without constant romantic gifts to his second half, the money was enough even to help his parents again and even save something. The gene started from scratch. But his soul was no longer scraped by cats, he knew that in the near future the wind could change and his affairs would surely go uphill.
Returning home from a business trip, he saw a girl on the side of the road and stopped to help her, sitting in the car, the stranger sobbed.
Previously, she sculpted curved cutlets and meatballs of different sizes, but the cook taught how to make them smooth and appetizing.