It's not just the little kids in the restaurant that piss off the waiter, there are adults who behave worse than the dumb kids.
Behavior at the restaurant Some guests can sometimes be horrified. It would seem that the institution received educated people, but they are in no hurry to demonstrate this upbringing. Nothing, but there are some peculiar rules. It is highly desirable to adhere to them if you want to have dinner in a calm and pleasant atmosphere.
One day I witnessed an interesting scene in a restaurant. Birthday of one of the friends to celebrate a loud crowd of girls. First they gave the lady gifts and flowers, and then began the feast. But maybe something went wrong and the evening went downhill. The birthday girl constantly quarreled with someone on the phone, demonstratively offended her guests and went out into the street, remained silent for a long time and even cried.
The situation improved a little and the company calmed down. By then, they'd already made it. draw attention from others visitors. The girls really interfered with the rest of the guests. A little later, the guy joined the company and the birthday girl gave him a demonstration kick. Then spilled the drink on a soft sofa and broke several glasses. Other guests began to show their dissatisfaction, and the company of friends in upset feelings hastened to leave the restaurant.
The situation, of course, is still relatively calm, because the staff of many cafes and restaurants can share more nightmarish stories. Is that normal? Hard to say, but visitors are different. Do not expect everyone to sit like a mouse under a broom, waiting for their order. But what are these situations that can infuriate every food worker?
Lack of feedback I don't think the waiter would like it. Now there are many options to make amends if something goes wrong in the maintenance process. It is in the interests of the employee to serve the client qualitatively, and he will definitely try to do this.
If something does not like, then do not be ashamed to answer truthfully. The waiter is a simple person and cannot read the minds of every visitor. It is better to try to solve the problem on the spot than to declare that everything is wonderful and then leave and write angry reviews online. This is more like extreme measures.
Common Mistakes Definitely Do not neglect the rules of etiquette The waiter is a poor servant who can be chased back and forth. This man is working to make a living, and calling him “hey” or “hey you” is simply indecent. No wonder every employee wears a personal badge on their uniform. But even if the guest does not remember the name, it is best to be polite, thank for the delicious treats and leave a tip if you have the opportunity and desire.
Guests who come with children should look after their own heirs, rather than handing over this duty to restaurant staff. Not all restaurants have special play areas for children. babysitterWhile the parents are resting. Worst of all, when a child does not let waiters work, running around the hall, litters, interferes with rest for other guests, spoils the property of the institution.
Another annoying moment can be a long sitting at a table with a glass of water or a cup of tea. Some restaurants immediately indicate that they exist. time-bound for every guest. But most guests themselves understand that long gatherings with a glass of water can deprive the waiter of a certain part of daily earnings.
Sometimes it seems that some visitors come to the restaurant to fool the waiters. Guests can. cook up So his own chef won't know. What if the visitor does not like something? Most likely, the chefs and waiters will be to blame. You just need to understand that each institution works according to a certain algorithm. And if it is still possible to remove one or two ingredients from the dish, then its complete alteration will clearly cause the staff a headache.
The same applies to those who can not immediately formulate a full order. And this is not about those guests who want to order any additional dishes or services. And those who are not able to immediately ask all the questions or ask the right one. So the waiter will run around the table with such guests for a long time and spend time on carrying out small instructions.
The tip topic might be better. leave out. Someone believes that a tip should be left necessarily, and someone does not do it fundamentally. Both theories have a right to exist. However, we can assume that waiters earn not billions, and tips – part of their wages. If a person gives everything to please a guest, tries to sincerely help and prompt, smiles to improve the mood of the guest, why not reward his efforts?
I would like to ask for one thing in a restaurant: Let's be kind to each other.. Visitors can have a bad day, as can waiters. But that doesn’t mean you have to ruin someone else’s day. “Let’s live together,” said the cartoon cat Leopold. I really wish that was how it was.

One day I witnessed an interesting scene in a restaurant. Birthday of one of the friends to celebrate a loud crowd of girls. First they gave the lady gifts and flowers, and then began the feast. But maybe something went wrong and the evening went downhill. The birthday girl constantly quarreled with someone on the phone, demonstratively offended her guests and went out into the street, remained silent for a long time and even cried.
The situation improved a little and the company calmed down. By then, they'd already made it. draw attention from others visitors. The girls really interfered with the rest of the guests. A little later, the guy joined the company and the birthday girl gave him a demonstration kick. Then spilled the drink on a soft sofa and broke several glasses. Other guests began to show their dissatisfaction, and the company of friends in upset feelings hastened to leave the restaurant.

The situation, of course, is still relatively calm, because the staff of many cafes and restaurants can share more nightmarish stories. Is that normal? Hard to say, but visitors are different. Do not expect everyone to sit like a mouse under a broom, waiting for their order. But what are these situations that can infuriate every food worker?
Lack of feedback I don't think the waiter would like it. Now there are many options to make amends if something goes wrong in the maintenance process. It is in the interests of the employee to serve the client qualitatively, and he will definitely try to do this.
If something does not like, then do not be ashamed to answer truthfully. The waiter is a simple person and cannot read the minds of every visitor. It is better to try to solve the problem on the spot than to declare that everything is wonderful and then leave and write angry reviews online. This is more like extreme measures.

Common Mistakes Definitely Do not neglect the rules of etiquette The waiter is a poor servant who can be chased back and forth. This man is working to make a living, and calling him “hey” or “hey you” is simply indecent. No wonder every employee wears a personal badge on their uniform. But even if the guest does not remember the name, it is best to be polite, thank for the delicious treats and leave a tip if you have the opportunity and desire.
Guests who come with children should look after their own heirs, rather than handing over this duty to restaurant staff. Not all restaurants have special play areas for children. babysitterWhile the parents are resting. Worst of all, when a child does not let waiters work, running around the hall, litters, interferes with rest for other guests, spoils the property of the institution.
Another annoying moment can be a long sitting at a table with a glass of water or a cup of tea. Some restaurants immediately indicate that they exist. time-bound for every guest. But most guests themselves understand that long gatherings with a glass of water can deprive the waiter of a certain part of daily earnings.

Sometimes it seems that some visitors come to the restaurant to fool the waiters. Guests can. cook up So his own chef won't know. What if the visitor does not like something? Most likely, the chefs and waiters will be to blame. You just need to understand that each institution works according to a certain algorithm. And if it is still possible to remove one or two ingredients from the dish, then its complete alteration will clearly cause the staff a headache.
The same applies to those who can not immediately formulate a full order. And this is not about those guests who want to order any additional dishes or services. And those who are not able to immediately ask all the questions or ask the right one. So the waiter will run around the table with such guests for a long time and spend time on carrying out small instructions.

The tip topic might be better. leave out. Someone believes that a tip should be left necessarily, and someone does not do it fundamentally. Both theories have a right to exist. However, we can assume that waiters earn not billions, and tips – part of their wages. If a person gives everything to please a guest, tries to sincerely help and prompt, smiles to improve the mood of the guest, why not reward his efforts?

I would like to ask for one thing in a restaurant: Let's be kind to each other.. Visitors can have a bad day, as can waiters. But that doesn’t mean you have to ruin someone else’s day. “Let’s live together,” said the cartoon cat Leopold. I really wish that was how it was.
To awaken a clear mind, look closely and answer whether the cat is going up or down.
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