After the cake "Three nuts for Cinderella" even a cunning hoodie who does not want to get married, will pull the wedding ring on the finger of his beloved.
Every girl is Cinderella in her soul, dreaming of living in a fairy tale and being the most, most beautiful and desirable. And if your prince isn't in a hurry to give crystal shoes and call for a ball, three nuts will help. Only not magical, as in the fairy tale of the brothers Grimm, but from dough and condensed, as in the recipe of a real culinary sorceress Olga Matvey. Decorate them with a cake on the festive table, and in the New Year your most cherished wishes will be fulfilled!
Cake on the festive table Ingredients for biscuit
Impregnation ingredients
Ingredients for protein crust
Ingredients for cream and caramel
Ingredients for cones
Well, the recipe, frankly, turned out to be quite complicated. But if you still had the patience and strength to prepare the cake "Three nuts for Cinderella", then you are a real Cinderella and, no doubt, deserved that in the New Year all your wishes were fulfilled!

Cake on the festive table Ingredients for biscuit
- 3 eggs
- 75g sugar
- 50g butter
- 100g flour
- 20g potato starch
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1 tbsp cocoa
- baking-piece
Impregnation ingredients
- 6-7 plums
- 1 tbsp mulled wine mixture
- pinch
- 80g sugar
- 2 slices of orange
Ingredients for protein crust
- protein 3 eggs
- 200g powdered sugar
- 1 tbsp starch
- 1 tbsp cocoa
Ingredients for cream and caramel
- 500 ml cream with a fat content of 33%
- 200g milk chocolate
- 200g hazelnut
- 50g sugar
- 80 ml of water
Ingredients for cones
- 200g biscuits
- 30g oil
- cornflake
- rosemary sprig
- To prepare caramel, send sugar (50 g) to the stove in a thick bottom sotheinica. Stirring constantly, wait until it darkens, and add 80 ml of boiling water. Continue stirring for another 20 seconds, then strain through the sieve.
- Let's move on to making biscuits. Send eggs into the mixer bowl and whip them to thick foam. Add the sugar and whip for another 1-1.5 minutes.
- In the meantime, combine the melted butter with caramel. Stir and pour into the mixer bowl while the egg mixture is whipped.
- Sprinkle in the resulting mass of flour, starch, baking powder and cocoa. Stir everything with a spatula.
- Elevate the baking paper form. Pour the resulting liquid dough into her. Send it to the 180-degree oven. Bake until ready, which can be determined by a sword.
- Make incisions on the drains and pour them with boiling water for 1-2 minutes. After that, remove the peel, it should easily come off. Remove the bones and cut the flesh in small pieces.
- Put pieces of plum, citric acid, a spoonful of mulled wine mixture and sugar in a pan. Send her to the fire and wait for the plum to caramelize in sugar and spices. Cut in small pieces two slices of orange without peel.
- Add the oranges to the boiling plum. Cook the mixture, stirring constantly. Then pour into a separate container and let it cool.
- To prepare a protein cake, beat the proteins of three eggs. Add the powdered sugar, whip it for another 2 minutes. Add starch and cocoa to the mix.
- Remove the biscuit and let it cool.
- Once again covered the bottom and sides of the form with parchment and pour a meringue into it. Evenly distribute the volume of the form and send to the oven, heated to 80 degrees for 1-1.5 hours. The finished cake should be dry on top and slightly moist inside.
- Caramel drain through the sieve. The fact is that we need a liquid fraction to soak the biscuit, and a dense fraction to make a separate plum layer.
- For cream, whip cream with cream thickener. Mix the cream with melted chocolate and put it in the fridge for 1 hour. Refrigerated cream again beat the mixer at high speed.
- Cut the chilled biscuit in half. Put it in a baking uniform. The cake will be high, so in order for all its parts to stick together, the shape must be lined with paper so that the stripes on the sides are also high. Soak the bottom with plum syrup.
- Pour on the biscuit part of the cream and level it on the surface.
- Put a protein crust over the cream. If it gets a little cracked, no problem!
- Place a plum layer on the mesh and level on the surface. Then another layer of cream, the second half of biscuit and the cream again.
- Put the cake in the refrigerator for 4-6 hours.
- After the specified time, remove the form and paper from the cake. Cover his side with residual cream.
- Now it is left to do the easiest and most pleasant thing: decorate the cake.
- Put the cake on the dish. Sprinkle his top with cocoa.
- Crush the hazelnut in the blender into a crumb. Decorate the nut crumb on the side of the cake.
- Mix in a blender any sand cookie, a tablespoon of milk and soft butter. Whip it to uniformity. It turns out a soft mass, from which it will be easy to mold the base for cones.
- Divide the mass into 3 parts. Form out of each something like a cone, wide at the bottom and thin at the end. Then decorate the cones with chocolate cornflakes, using them as petals.
- Put the bumps in the fridge so they grab a little. Put the bumps on the cake. In an arbitrary order, lay out a whole hazelnut and cookies "Nuts", which we have already prepared in one of the articles (we will need 3 pieces).
- Decorate the cake with sprigs of rosemary, it resembles spruce, which means that it will perfectly complement the cones and create a New Year's mood. To simulate snow, sprinkle powdered sugar on everything.
- Recall that more details with this wonderful recipe from Olga Matvey can be found here. Bon appetit and fun holidays!
Well, the recipe, frankly, turned out to be quite complicated. But if you still had the patience and strength to prepare the cake "Three nuts for Cinderella", then you are a real Cinderella and, no doubt, deserved that in the New Year all your wishes were fulfilled!
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