The Magic of the Rings: How to wear the ring to good use.
Ring - this is not only the status of fashion and beauty, it is also a talisman. Even if it is the most simple ring, it can help you in life.
That rings and bracelets help protect against foreign influence, known in ancient times. Our whole body is penetrated by the meridians and the energy that circulates in them it falls to us mainly through the limb.
In particular, through the arm. Rings on the hands, first of all, the function of protection against someone else, unsolicited energy. And this helps you to save and integrity, and health.
Astrologers and chiromantists claim that each finger is associated with a particular planet and the elements. If you wear a ring, given the nature of the planets and the elements, the ring will help you.
Putting a thumb ring, you activate the sensory perception of the world. Besides, it also attracts money.
Embellishing ring finger, you activate the Jupiter and the element of power. It gives confidence and helps achieve the goal. With that, not only on paper.
The middle finger (the element of earth, the planet Saturn) - responsible for the ancestral memory. The middle finger should be worn rings that have passed to you by inheritance. Such a ring on the middle finger makes a person stronger he gets in touch with his Rod.
Always giving the ring to their children. Not only girls but also boys. This will help them in life.
The ring on the ring finger (the element of air, the planet - Sun) - inspires, activates creative energy, helps in communication. And if you put on the ring finger ring, a gift from loved ones, it will help you improve your personal relationships.
The ring on the little finger (the element water, the planet Mercury) will strengthen your emotional sphere, and will help to establish the necessary contacts. Give your friends a ring on little finger.
• Make a ring of wealth.
Take any ring, but its better.
Light a candle and carry ring nine times to the flame passes through the ring.
"End of the month, for the crown, I am a servant of God (name) is not whether the heart of oak, whether I'm not done.
In the ring there is no end, and my wealth will not be the end.
• Conspiracy to ring for wish-fulfillment
Take the ring from any metal, it is better if the ring was given or sent from relatives. Irrelevant to the stone or not. The ring hidden in a skein.
After the plot should be put on the ring with him sleep through the night. After the ring becomes a talisman will protect and bring good luck and prosperity.
"Bird - bird lived overseas, the bird - bird's nest Vila, of Birds bird perstenek in him, I, the servant of God (name), brought.
I'm decorating, dressing, good people of use to all the door opened to me, all my secrets will be opened, everything will be in my volition.
Amen ».