If a cat brings a rodent in its owner’s teeth, what does that mean?
Many owners of their furry "masters" one way or another think, "and why my mouse-cat And brings them to me with pride and invincible dignity? I guess there's a reason for that. Sometimes wool handsome does not pay attention to people at all, and sometimes his energy can only be envied.
In fact, the question remains open. But not for animal behavior experts. They know what a tailed pet is thinking. Today we will try to avoid unnecessary lyrics and boring scientific terms. We will tell you what and why a cat sometimes includes a berserker mode for no apparent reason.
Let’s start with the fact that cats have a huge number of different breeds. They can be calm, even apathetic. They can be playful and energetic for no reason. At one point, Scottish cats became fashionable for young families. Admittedly, for all our love for tailed fluffy, this breed is quite amorphous. Food and peace are all they need. And it's not clamping, it's a fact.
Take the same striped “nobles” (muttlemen, if in fact), the differences will be found right away. They like to play, hunt, interact with people. Not for nothing in villages and villages they are used as exterminators of mice and rats. He will climb into any hole, bring his own order and their appetite is quite mundane: enough leftovers from the table.
How does this affect their health? It's hard to say. These real predators show that the cat has 9 lives. They are adapted for an active lifestyle, constant cat adventures and exploring the world. There are so many videos on the Internet with their participation.
There is nothing surprising if a pet brings a mouse to its owner. This behavior has been taught historically. Can you blame cats for the fact that modern house owners are used only to packaged food and chrome metal? The animal remembers its roots and acts as it sees fit.
It is believed that the cat in this way wants to show the owner how to hunt. Like, look, you got mice. Of course, I can take this fact into my hands and decide everything. But if you allow yourself to call yourself master of the situation, then learn. You're lying on the couch, you're not growing. And judging by the incisors, you also have predatory roots.
Sometimes people form for themselves a comfortable idea that brought in the teeth of the mouse symbolizes the love of pets. As if, in this way, the cat wants to show his love for the breeder. Not that we're against it, no. But we'll think about it. Often the mouse is still alive. What does that point to? The final note was played by the owner of the cat. Maybe it's an act of love. But if we know cats, we'll lean towards indulgence.
Do not think that a mouse for a cat is the most harmonious snack. This was done by Tom and Jerry. In fact, mice are just prey. Cats feel great when they eat fresh meat from a nearby butcher shop, high-quality specialized food and some grass near the house. It's good for them to digest.
And mice are only for great need. It's like saying that people hunt mosquitoes out of great appetite. No, the reasons are different. Only a cat has hunting instincts, and you and I don't. No wonder, because the beloved Barsik ancestors were saber-toothed predators, destroying everything around. You and I have monkeys who have learned to beat a stone.
But do not forget that mice are carriers of all bad diseases. And they can cause a lot more trouble than a mistakenly eaten (or purposefully) New Year's rain. We'll manage the festive decoration somehow. But with a sick mouse eaten will be more difficult. Pay attention to that.
But most importantly, never hurt a furry or not so much friend. If you can distinguish your own apartment from a dense forest, that's fine. A cat is not capable of such feats. For him, any environment is a battlefield. So you need trophies, too. In any case, even if a dead or not very mouse suddenly appears in front of you – remember! That's no reason to panic. It's just your playful cat decided to give you a present. It's better than a slippery mine.

In fact, the question remains open. But not for animal behavior experts. They know what a tailed pet is thinking. Today we will try to avoid unnecessary lyrics and boring scientific terms. We will tell you what and why a cat sometimes includes a berserker mode for no apparent reason.
Let’s start with the fact that cats have a huge number of different breeds. They can be calm, even apathetic. They can be playful and energetic for no reason. At one point, Scottish cats became fashionable for young families. Admittedly, for all our love for tailed fluffy, this breed is quite amorphous. Food and peace are all they need. And it's not clamping, it's a fact.

Take the same striped “nobles” (muttlemen, if in fact), the differences will be found right away. They like to play, hunt, interact with people. Not for nothing in villages and villages they are used as exterminators of mice and rats. He will climb into any hole, bring his own order and their appetite is quite mundane: enough leftovers from the table.

How does this affect their health? It's hard to say. These real predators show that the cat has 9 lives. They are adapted for an active lifestyle, constant cat adventures and exploring the world. There are so many videos on the Internet with their participation.
There is nothing surprising if a pet brings a mouse to its owner. This behavior has been taught historically. Can you blame cats for the fact that modern house owners are used only to packaged food and chrome metal? The animal remembers its roots and acts as it sees fit.
It is believed that the cat in this way wants to show the owner how to hunt. Like, look, you got mice. Of course, I can take this fact into my hands and decide everything. But if you allow yourself to call yourself master of the situation, then learn. You're lying on the couch, you're not growing. And judging by the incisors, you also have predatory roots.

Sometimes people form for themselves a comfortable idea that brought in the teeth of the mouse symbolizes the love of pets. As if, in this way, the cat wants to show his love for the breeder. Not that we're against it, no. But we'll think about it. Often the mouse is still alive. What does that point to? The final note was played by the owner of the cat. Maybe it's an act of love. But if we know cats, we'll lean towards indulgence.
Do not think that a mouse for a cat is the most harmonious snack. This was done by Tom and Jerry. In fact, mice are just prey. Cats feel great when they eat fresh meat from a nearby butcher shop, high-quality specialized food and some grass near the house. It's good for them to digest.

And mice are only for great need. It's like saying that people hunt mosquitoes out of great appetite. No, the reasons are different. Only a cat has hunting instincts, and you and I don't. No wonder, because the beloved Barsik ancestors were saber-toothed predators, destroying everything around. You and I have monkeys who have learned to beat a stone.
But do not forget that mice are carriers of all bad diseases. And they can cause a lot more trouble than a mistakenly eaten (or purposefully) New Year's rain. We'll manage the festive decoration somehow. But with a sick mouse eaten will be more difficult. Pay attention to that.

But most importantly, never hurt a furry or not so much friend. If you can distinguish your own apartment from a dense forest, that's fine. A cat is not capable of such feats. For him, any environment is a battlefield. So you need trophies, too. In any case, even if a dead or not very mouse suddenly appears in front of you – remember! That's no reason to panic. It's just your playful cat decided to give you a present. It's better than a slippery mine.
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