I packed my bags and went nowhere, so I would have stayed at the bus station if my grandmother had not approached me.

Prejudicial attitude to a person does not allow you to think objectively. Prejudice, stereotypes and other worldviews create a huge gap between people. Why are there so many sad stories about the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law? There are many reasons why a mother does not let her adult son go free. The child should receive only the best from life, and the bride should choose to become a match.

Alena faced a bias immediately after meeting her mother-in-law: I got married 4 years ago, and all these years I hear unflattering remarks in my address by my mother-in-law. She just doesn't like me, Alena says.

Long before the wedding, I would have visited Igor’s mother. She gave me tea and asked me everything about my family. Since I was hoping to find a second mother in the person of my mother-in-law, I honestly told her everything about my parents. Of course, she was very unhappy that my mother had a problem with hard drinks.

I'm not proud of that, as you might guess. My grandmother saved me from the orphanage as a child, and she raised me. But I don't understand why I should be ashamed or guilty of what my parents did. Yeah, my mom needs help, but what does that have to do with me? My mother-in-law decided the apple didn't fall far from the apple tree, and we've had a strained relationship ever since.

We live under the same roof. It so happened that in my student years I was not placed in a hostel, as I had a city residence permit, and I could not be at home. My grandmother passed away and it was not easy. Igor offered to be his wife and I agreed.”

Even on the eve of the wedding, my husband argued with his mother, she desperately did not want him to marry me. But then Igor said that he would get married anyway, and if she was against it, we would live in rented housing. Then the mother-in-law pretended to be humbled. Apparently, she was afraid that I would somehow have a bad influence on him with such bad genes, and we stayed in her house.

All these years I have been asking Igor to move. The relationship with the mother-in-law is aggravated, she can throw a scandal out of nothing. In the third year, I found a part-time job and transferred to the correspondence department. And then we had a baby with Igor, and I had to drop out because no one wanted to sit with the baby.

Igor began to stay at work, disappeared on weekends. Then it turned out he was cheating on me. I couldn't survive this betrayal. I had no one left, and I had no intention of staying in this house. I quietly packed my bags and went nowhere with the baby.

We just sat at the bus stop, and I was confused about what would happen next. A mother with a child in late autumn with a lot of things raised questions from passers-by. Only one grandmother stopped and asked what had happened.

I burst into tears. My grandmother knew I needed help. She took pity on me and my daughter to her village. A small village away from the blessings of civilization. I've lived here for three years and learned how to help Ana's grandmother with the housework. My daughter calls Baba Anya a grandmother. I think she is our guardian angel. I always think of my grandmother when I look at her. Maybe she is the one who keeps us safe from heaven.”

The world is not without good people. But kindness in reality could be greater if everyone tried to understand and help the needy. People with a difficult fate can not always hope for luck, many despair and drown their talent, opportunities, life in a bottle. If bad habits are genetics, it is. Alena was very lucky, because she did not follow in the footsteps of her mother, but found the strength to fight for a better life. She will be a good example for her daughter.


See also

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