Parents should be protected while they are alive, visit, help and call.

It is human nature to neglect the most expensive he has.. If you know for sure that some part of your life will not get away from you, most often you forget about it and remember only when you need something. Your loving mother is definitely on the list of people you remember. Not often enough.

Your loving mother, life flies very fast. Here you are, a little girl whose mother warmly wraps up, because it is cold outside the window. You really want to play with your friends on the street longer and you don't understand why your mom is so worried. Her heart is always out of place because of her baby. You're growing up, you're in your 30s, and mom's still worried. Now you rarely see each other, but every time you come, you feel yourself again. That little girl.

Every time I show up at my mom's house, it's like I'm 10 again. I've already come home from school, and my mom's soup is in the fridge. I don't want soup, I want something sweet. Now I remember that and blame myself for not liking that amazingly delicious soup. But it's nothing.

I miss the feeling of my mom coming in after work and spending a lot of time together. When I was a kid, I was never yelled at. They have always supported and tried to help.. I remember well that there was no money for all sorts of tutors and my mother studied with me. I always felt that way next to her. Protected and loved.

I often find myself calling her more often and visiting her too. But time flies, so much happens in life. Work, husband, gym, meeting girlfriends, fatigue at the end of the day. And here I am. I forgot to call her again.. When I do remember and dial a number, she is so happy to hear me and not offended at all, although I feel that she misses me.

From the editor, Mama often says she misses that time. When I was little. She said she didn’t spend much time with me. Her father left and she had to work to make some money. Now she says she'd rather spend more time with the baby, because it's a value that doesn't last long. Children grow up and go away. It's inevitable.

Mother often I admire modern parents.. Women now see motherhood differently. In the '90s, they gave birth just because everyone did. Of course, children were loved and cherished, but not in the same way as now. Nowadays, children are born because they really want to. Moms spend a lot of time with their kids and that’s good.

These are my mother’s thoughts on modern parents and children. How often do you visit your parents? Do you think you’re doing enough for them?


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