She asked her husband for $ 400 for winter clothes, but all the money went to the needs of her father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Family income and expenditure You have to keep it under control. But often our people do not keep a written record of income and expenses, and sometimes do not even know how much they earned and how much they spent over the past month or quarter. This uncertainty creates many misunderstandings that often destroy even the strongest family relationships.

Today's edition. "Site" She shares the story of a woman whose husband doesn’t seem to be thinking about her needs. He spends a lot of his income on his parents. Should he be blamed for such extravagance?

Even when we first met, I was bribed by the trepidation with which Andrei treated his parents. He is the only child in the family, so he always felt a special responsibility to his mother and father. I didn’t even think it would be a problem for us, Maria wrote.

“We are now married and have a two-year-old daughter. They live separately and have their own home. And if they need something, they call their son without any embarrassment, and he never refuses. Even if to help the parents need to leave me without money with the child.

Back in early October, I warned him that we would need to spend $400 on winter clothes for me and the baby, because the frost is already on the nose. I was hoping my husband would get paid so I could go shopping. But no! Yesterday he told me that there was no money again, because almost half of his last salary was spent on buying a washing machine to his parents.

I’m on maternity leave with a child, and my husband’s salary is all our income. But he's making good money. However, some of the money we spend to close old loans, and part of the funds simply eat. But what remains, the husband spends on constant trips to his parents, who always need something from him.”

“Now they needed a new washing machine. Although I do know that my mother-in-law has a pretty good washing machine. Even if it is broken, it can be repaired. Not to spend the last money on buying new equipment.

“How many times have I tried to talk to him? She explained that we have our own family, that we also need money, that my daughter does not always see fresh fruit. He listens, nods, and then we do it our way again. No more strength. They have to help their parents because they have raised them. But is it not necessary for such help to be in moderation?

Everyone must have their own measure. In addition, perhaps the parents of the husband do not fully understand that because of their desires, both the daughter-in-law and the granddaughter are without the most necessary things. Perhaps Mary should speak frankly with these people. If they want to be good to their sons and their families, they must make the right decisions.

What decision do you think is right in this situation? Share your thoughts in the comments.


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