Formerly unpretentious our women were in demand, now Europeans are afraid of them.
Sooner or later, every girl wondered whether to marry a foreigner. There are other men abroad. Not like this. And the standard of living is much higher, and the attitude towards women is better. Why not? It's a security and just a beautiful life. It is funny that the girls do not think about the opinion of the same men about Russian women. And it changes over time. And unfortunately, not for the better.
I have a friend who has been living in Germany for a long time. We recently got in touch and talked for a long time on various topics. At some point, we started thinking about Russian women who purposefully marry Europeans and Americans. And then the friend for the first time expressed the following thought: "Germans are already afraid of Russian women."
I asked with perplexity to argue this assertion. A friend told me about her new friend.
That woman came to Germany six months ago. She knew her future husband very superficially, but this did not become an obstacle to an early marriage. She met my friend for the first time in the yard, because they live in neighboring houses. And since then, an unnamed woman has been visiting my friend regularly.
According to a new acquaintance, after 2 months of marriage, it became clear to her that her husband is not her person. Half of the complaints came from him. Like, he is boring, there is no romance in their relationship, life with him does not suit. But she is not going to abandon her husband in any case. At least for now.
That woman already had a plan of action. The most important thing was to get citizenship. To achieve this, you need to “suffer” a husband for 3 years. You may even have to have a baby to please your spouse. But in any case, as soon as she officially becomes a German citizen, she will take the child and leave her husband. And then he will forge his fate at his own discretion.
And such women in Europe and America are quite enough. They find foreigners on the websites, start a nice conversation with them, and after six months they are called to marry. Therefore, one should not be surprised by the increased prejudice against Russian wives. Of course, not all Slavic girls marry foreigners for profit. Many people leave their homeland for the sake of strong love.
As you know, the negative side will always be more popular. Especially if you are familiar with such examples. So my friend becomes a regular witness to the aforementioned marriages of convenience. And now she's embarrassed and embarrassed. Like she married a German and cheated on him. Although there is no stamp in the passport and was not.
Now sit and think. Of course, everyone turns in this life as much as possible. But does this justify outright deception and the use of man?
Marriage for a foreigner: Do you know examples of such a marriage with a foreigner? How do you feel about this method of improving the material status and obtaining citizenship?

I have a friend who has been living in Germany for a long time. We recently got in touch and talked for a long time on various topics. At some point, we started thinking about Russian women who purposefully marry Europeans and Americans. And then the friend for the first time expressed the following thought: "Germans are already afraid of Russian women."

I asked with perplexity to argue this assertion. A friend told me about her new friend.
That woman came to Germany six months ago. She knew her future husband very superficially, but this did not become an obstacle to an early marriage. She met my friend for the first time in the yard, because they live in neighboring houses. And since then, an unnamed woman has been visiting my friend regularly.

According to a new acquaintance, after 2 months of marriage, it became clear to her that her husband is not her person. Half of the complaints came from him. Like, he is boring, there is no romance in their relationship, life with him does not suit. But she is not going to abandon her husband in any case. At least for now.
That woman already had a plan of action. The most important thing was to get citizenship. To achieve this, you need to “suffer” a husband for 3 years. You may even have to have a baby to please your spouse. But in any case, as soon as she officially becomes a German citizen, she will take the child and leave her husband. And then he will forge his fate at his own discretion.

And such women in Europe and America are quite enough. They find foreigners on the websites, start a nice conversation with them, and after six months they are called to marry. Therefore, one should not be surprised by the increased prejudice against Russian wives. Of course, not all Slavic girls marry foreigners for profit. Many people leave their homeland for the sake of strong love.

As you know, the negative side will always be more popular. Especially if you are familiar with such examples. So my friend becomes a regular witness to the aforementioned marriages of convenience. And now she's embarrassed and embarrassed. Like she married a German and cheated on him. Although there is no stamp in the passport and was not.

Now sit and think. Of course, everyone turns in this life as much as possible. But does this justify outright deception and the use of man?
Marriage for a foreigner: Do you know examples of such a marriage with a foreigner? How do you feel about this method of improving the material status and obtaining citizenship?
Ten years later, I accidentally found a leaf that my grandmother gave me a long time ago.
Modern fortune teller helped remove the crown of celibacy and get the cherished stamp in the passport