Thirteen-year-old son watched the “Game of the Squid” and explained what the meaning of the popular series
Once upon a time, South Korean screenwriter Hwang Dong-hek postponed the unfinished script of “The Squid Game” in the long box. Due to financial problems, the author even had to sell his laptop to have something to live on. The series “The Squid Game” became popular in 90 countries in 1 week. No one expected such success, but even more interesting is that the series reflects reality. South Korea ranks 5th in the list of the poorest countries in the world. Older people over the age of 65 are considered poor. Hwang Don-hek himself experienced hardship and faced financial difficulties.
456 people agree to take part in a game they know nothing about. The winner will receive an unthinkable prize of $38.5 million. The series consists of 9 episodes, each series is a game. When participants are told the rules of the game, some recall that they once played it as children. Only here the rules are too harsh, and players will find out when they play the first game.
Departure equals deprivation of life. All players are people who have faced serious financial difficulties, many of them are bankrupt. One of the conditions of the game - the decision of the majority of players can finish the game and leave with nothing, continue their lives. After voting, with a margin of one vote, the players return to their lives.
Mar 28 2014 at 12:21 PDT
And now each of the players realizes that he has nowhere to go, the game is the only place where a person can radically change his life or lose it. As a result, most players return to this place. At first, these people decide to team up to win. Some try to bribe the guards, some use physical force to have an advantage over weak opponents.
In the huge hall hangs a ball, which is filled with money when the participant drops out. With each game, there are fewer players, people realize with horror that only one person will get out of this place. Sometimes there are situations in which the viewer expects honesty and mutual help from someone, but the ball over his head hypnotizes everyone. None of these people are afraid of the way of elimination. They think only that they no longer want to live in poverty, it is better to leave this world or win a fabulous sum at any cost, then their life will become easy and rosy.
Mar 28 2014 at 12:21 PDT
In this brutal brawl, there is hope for salvation - a policeman looking for his brother. He secretly sneaks into the playground and conducts his investigation. He's not in the game and he doesn't see why so many people are dying or who's behind it. Being in the epicenter of events, the hero also hardens to survive and get to the truth.
Mar 28 2014 at 12:21 PDT
The organizers of the game, like the guards, are hidden behind masks. They believe they give people a chance to change their lives for the better. Some rich guests enjoy watching human slaughter. They are so corrupted by money that they take genuine pleasure in the suffering of the beggars who compete.
The main character at the beginning of the series sits on the neck of his mother, he loses her money at the races and has huge debts. He's the only person who tries to stay human in every game. But he's getting tough. You might want to watch the show, so I'm not going to tell you how it ended. But in the end, the one who wins all the money loses the only one.
Mar 28 2014 at 12:21 PDT
Only one dystopian TV series will survive about a cruel society that goes to the head for money, transgresses its principles and morality, depresses and shows life as it is. Perhaps the series has become so popular because many find themselves in a difficult situation, someone understands the meaning, and for some it is just an entertaining show.
Mar 28 2014 at 12:21 PDT
When Hwang Dong-heck wrote the script for Squid Games, he wanted to make a feature film. The producers refused to take the project, considering the plot too cruel. And in 2021, Netfli decided to invest in the project, but the author had to rewrite the script for the film for a long time to turn it into a mini-series. The series ended ambiguously, fans are asking if there will be a sequel, and the author says that while he wants to focus on something else, he spent too much energy on this project. And you see the deep meaning of the series “Squid Game”, do you find a correspondence with real life?

456 people agree to take part in a game they know nothing about. The winner will receive an unthinkable prize of $38.5 million. The series consists of 9 episodes, each series is a game. When participants are told the rules of the game, some recall that they once played it as children. Only here the rules are too harsh, and players will find out when they play the first game.
Departure equals deprivation of life. All players are people who have faced serious financial difficulties, many of them are bankrupt. One of the conditions of the game - the decision of the majority of players can finish the game and leave with nothing, continue their lives. After voting, with a margin of one vote, the players return to their lives.
Mar 28 2014 at 12:21 PDT
And now each of the players realizes that he has nowhere to go, the game is the only place where a person can radically change his life or lose it. As a result, most players return to this place. At first, these people decide to team up to win. Some try to bribe the guards, some use physical force to have an advantage over weak opponents.
In the huge hall hangs a ball, which is filled with money when the participant drops out. With each game, there are fewer players, people realize with horror that only one person will get out of this place. Sometimes there are situations in which the viewer expects honesty and mutual help from someone, but the ball over his head hypnotizes everyone. None of these people are afraid of the way of elimination. They think only that they no longer want to live in poverty, it is better to leave this world or win a fabulous sum at any cost, then their life will become easy and rosy.
Mar 28 2014 at 12:21 PDT
In this brutal brawl, there is hope for salvation - a policeman looking for his brother. He secretly sneaks into the playground and conducts his investigation. He's not in the game and he doesn't see why so many people are dying or who's behind it. Being in the epicenter of events, the hero also hardens to survive and get to the truth.
Mar 28 2014 at 12:21 PDT
The organizers of the game, like the guards, are hidden behind masks. They believe they give people a chance to change their lives for the better. Some rich guests enjoy watching human slaughter. They are so corrupted by money that they take genuine pleasure in the suffering of the beggars who compete.
The main character at the beginning of the series sits on the neck of his mother, he loses her money at the races and has huge debts. He's the only person who tries to stay human in every game. But he's getting tough. You might want to watch the show, so I'm not going to tell you how it ended. But in the end, the one who wins all the money loses the only one.
Mar 28 2014 at 12:21 PDT
Only one dystopian TV series will survive about a cruel society that goes to the head for money, transgresses its principles and morality, depresses and shows life as it is. Perhaps the series has become so popular because many find themselves in a difficult situation, someone understands the meaning, and for some it is just an entertaining show.
Mar 28 2014 at 12:21 PDT
When Hwang Dong-heck wrote the script for Squid Games, he wanted to make a feature film. The producers refused to take the project, considering the plot too cruel. And in 2021, Netfli decided to invest in the project, but the author had to rewrite the script for the film for a long time to turn it into a mini-series. The series ended ambiguously, fans are asking if there will be a sequel, and the author says that while he wants to focus on something else, he spent too much energy on this project. And you see the deep meaning of the series “Squid Game”, do you find a correspondence with real life?
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